Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 17th day of March, 2015 A.D. at 7:00 p.m.
Reeve: C. Eisner
Councillors: G. Bartel, J. Caruk, C. Densen, L. Hutman & S. Walmsley
C.A.O. – K. Chartrand
7:30pm – Minitonas Lions Club
8:00pm – Vaughn Behrmann – Snowmobile Club
Additions to Agenda:
4.15 Website
4.16 Subdivision application
4.17 Toromont Bill
1. S. Walmsley – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.
2. J. Caruk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT Courtney Densen shall be appointed as Finance Chair for this council meeting.
3. G. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on March 3rd, 2015 and the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on March 5th & 9th, 2015 shall be adopted as circulated.
4. S. Walmsley – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize payment of the List of Accounts numbered 188 to 304 inclusive, amounting to $250,887.58.
5. G. Bartel – C. Densen
RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby agree to renew the following memberships;
Swan Valley Municipal Airport Commission
Hudson Bay Route Association
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the associated annual membership fee shall be approved for payments as per the attached.
6. L. Hutman – S. Walmsley
WHEREAS the Town of Minitonas is now amalgamated with the RM of Minitonas and the Village of Bowsman to form the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman; and
WHEREAS the Town of Minitonas had agreed to accept an offer from Mr. Bryan Munro to purchase the property know as Lot 30, Sp Plan 3129 on November 6th, 2013 with terms and conditions as attached; and
WHEREAS all the terms and conditions have not been fulfilled by the December 31st, 2014 deadline;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman council does hereby agree that the agreement made with Mr. Bryan Munro shall be cancelled and all related costs incurred shall be deem nonrefundable as per the attached terms and conditions.
Larry Mychalchuk arrived @ 7:35 pm
7. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby confirm the Tax Impact Meeting with Blaire Martin of Assessment Services on May 5th, 2015 at 8:00 PM;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Board of Revisions date be set for November 3rd, 2015 at 8:00 PM
8. S. Walmsley – L. Hutman
RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman agrees to accept the tender for gravel submitted by Campbell Construction Inc. for the 2015 gravel season as per the copy attached hereto.
9. J. Caruk – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the members of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman Council do hereby agree to go ‘In Camera’ as a Committee of the Whole in accordance with Subsection 152 (3)(b)(ii) of The Municipal Act, and with respect to item #4.4.
10. S. Walmsley – L. Mychalchuk
RESOLVED THAT we do agree to return to reopen the meeting to the public in accordance with Subsection 152(4) of the Municipal Act.
11. L. Mychalchuk – C. Densen
WHEREAS the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman Council has reviewed the job descriptions and performance of their Administrative Staff and are prepared to adopt said job descriptions and set the wages and salaries for 2015 accordingly;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the Administrative Staff Job Descriptions, Salaries and Wages for 2015 attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ respectively;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the aforementioned Wages and Salaries shall be retroactive to January 1st, 2015 where applicable.
12. G. Bartel – J. Caruk
WHEREAS the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman Council has reviewed the job descriptions and performance of their Public Works Operators and Staff and are prepared to adopt said job descriptions and set the wages and salaries for 2015 accordingly;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the Public Works Job Descriptions, salaries and Wages for 2015 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ respectively;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the aforementioned Wages and Salaries shall be retroactive to January 1st, 2015 where applicable.
13. G. Bartel – S. Walmsley
RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 6/2015, being a by-law of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman for the purpose of establishing the requirements for business licenses for the municipality, shall be introduced and read a first time this 17th day of March, 2015 A.D.
14. L. Mychalchuk – L. Hutman
WHEREAS Dan Laychuk and Ron Kaatz from Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation Water Control and Structures Department attended the March 3rd, 2015 regular council meeting to discuss the planned reconstruction of the drainage ditch known as “COX DRAIN”; and
WHEREAS the planned project will be beneficial to the municipality and;
WHEREAS there will be no cost to the Municipality and it’s Ratepayers;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby accept the proposed reconstruction of the drainage ditch known as “COX DRAIN” in concept as presented.
15. S. Walmsley – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Council does hereby appoint Kelsey Friesen to the Swan Lake Watershed Conservation District as a citizen rep for the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman.
16. C. Densen – G. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the attendance of the CAO and the Assistant CAO at the MMAA Conference in Brandon Mb April 26th – April 29th, 2015 and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all applicable expenses related to said conference will be paid in accordance with current Municipal Policies and By-Laws.
17. S. Walmsley – L. Mychalchuk
WHEREAS the Community & Regional Planning Branch has reviewed the application for subsection of PT of N.W. ¼ SEC. 12-36-27 WPM (VESTBY) on behalf of the municipality and finds it to be in compliance with the Zoning By-Law for the RM of Minitonas;
AND WHEREAS there are no objections from any of the government departments or agencies in response to the above noted subsection;
AND WHEREAS the application has been reviewed by the council of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman, and found to be acceptable by the members of council;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby approve the subdivision of the aforementioned parcel of land as per the details submitted to the Municipality by Manitoba Local Government, Community Planning services dated March 11th, 2015 with the only condition being that the Manitoba Hydro Easement be completed as required.
18. G. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the Council of Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman does hereby agree to amend the signing authorities for all Documents, Cheques or Transfer Slips, at the Swan Valley Credit Union, to either one of the C.A.O., Kasey Chartrand or Assistant C.A.O., Patti Simpson together with either one of the Reeve, Clint Eisner or Deputy Reeve, Larry Mychalchuk.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Carolyn Gordon, shall be removed from all Signing Authorities.
19. L. Hutman – C. Densen
RESOLVED THAT By-Law No 5/2015 be amended to include the position of “Public Works Foreman”;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT said By-law No. 5/2015, being a by-law of the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman for the purpose of establishing designated officer positions, shall be read a third time this 17th day of March, 2015 A.D. signed by the Reeve, and signed and sealed by the Chief Administrative Officer.
Bartel Yes
Caruk Yes
Densen Yes
Hutman Yes
Mychalchuk Yes
Walmsley Yes
Eisner Yes
20. S. Walmsley – L. Mychalchuk
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11:00 p.m. to meet again on April 7th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. for the next regular meeting of council.