SVCTC Hosts Community Planning Training

Submitted by:
Beverley Polon

Swan Valley Communities That Care (SVCTC) hosted their Community Planning Training (CPT) at the Temple Baptist Church on January 27th & 28th, 2015. These two days of meetings were held from 2-8:00pm.

Each day included a supper meal. Over 25 individuals participated in this event including community and SVCTC board members.

CPT is the first step in creating a Community Action Plan which outlines Swan Valley’s plans to achieve the desired outcomes for our SV Youth. These meetings were facilitated by Dalene Dutton, CTC Master Trainer from Rockport, Maine, USA and MB Provincial CTC Coordinator Jennifer Wood from Winnipeg, MB. and Dr. Steven Feldgaier, Healthy Child MB Provincial Lead also from Winnipeg attended.

The SVCTC vision statement was reviewed and the decision was made to continue to pursue the CTC meeting process with that vision as a guide. The SVCTC vision statement is: “Our vision is safe, healthy children and youth through an involved and committed community”. Next meeting participants, used the SVCTC Youth Survey that was completed in December 2013 to set goals for the two priority risk factors, which had been identified by the youth results and voted on by community members. These two priority risk factors for the SV are: Family Conflict and Anti-social behaviour with peers.

The SVCTC Resource Assessment Committee presented a PowerPoint presentation highlighting what are the current resources are in the Swan Valley that directly address the two priority risk factors previously mentioned. All of the resources were identified, both “Gold Standard “programs, as well as other programs that address the risk factors. All programs were recognized for the good work that they do to achieve their goals in creating better opportunities for our youth. Gold Standard programs are proven tested effective programs that contain an evaluation component that allows the tracking of the effectiveness of these programs. A Gap Analysis was also presented to highlight what areas there are gaps in community resources in the Swan Valley. The Resource Assessment group then presented an overview of all possible Gold Star programs that address our SV priority risk factors.

Meeting participants spent the second day creating goals and working on the details of identifying programs to bring to the Valley to achieve these goals. Discussion took place regarding the best programs that address our desired goals. The tested-effective program(s) under consideration have reduced the risk factors chosen by our community in other CTC areas significantly. At the end of these discussions a vote occurred with the plan to start the work to try to bring the Guiding Good Choices program and to work to increase the opportunity to provide the Triple P Program in our community on a group delivery basis. Feasibility goals were also created in which to explore other future programs for the Valley.

All of the participants worked very hard with a focus of creating opportunity for providing programs to identify means to create positive change for Swan Valley Youth. SVCTC would like to recognize and thank everyone for their role in helping to make this CTC process happen in our Valley.