Many Hands Make United Church Supper a Success

Submitted by:
Jayne Leadbeater |

After a couple of months of planning and organizing, and many hours of volunteer efforts, the St. Andrew’s United Church in Swan River held another successful event occurred at the Veterans Hall on November 16, 2014.

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Harold Proppe, one of the crew of the potato peelers helped wash up potatoes for the Sunday peeling marathon. All the potatoes are cooked in the large vat behind Rev. Kevin. Three batches were cooked. That’s a lot of potatoes.

For at least 15 years, the St. Andrew’s United Church in Swan River has held a fall supper, and you can’t have supper without perogies!

Helen Lasuik’s sister. Olga Maidy, taught about 20 women how to make perogies. 2 work bees with 14 people, incluing Rev. Kevin, made these treats … and they didn’t break.

Val Minish with the first load of desserts for the walk-in cooler.

Choices, choices how do you choose a dessert! Take a couple.

Phyl Friesen, David & Elaine Madill setting up the buffet table for 475 diners. Even though the hall was full, 50 meals were ordered for takeout.

Thank you to all those who have helped us realize this.

Our congregation appreciated all the support the Swan Valley community gave us, again.