The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor McKenzie presiding and Councilor’s, Delaurier, Friesen, Sakal, Bobick, and Whyte present. Councilor Jacobson arrived at 7:45 pm.
Public Hearing:
To Re-Zone area described as PT NE ¼ Sec 16-36-27 wpm to ‘RS-5’ Residential Single Family and ‘AUR’ Agricultural Urban Reserve Zone. Council requested clarification from the Planning Branch regarding the zoning.
No persons were present that wished to address the hearing.
1. RESOLVED that the minutes of the October 7th, 2014 regular meetings of Council be adopted as received.
2. RESOLVED that the Agenda for the October 21st, 2014 regular meeting of Council be received.
3. RESOLVED that Mayor McKenzie and Councillor Jacobson receive their full daily per diem rate for September 20th, 2014 for attending the Future of Recreation in the Valley workshop.
4. RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Works Report be received.
5. RESOLVED that By-Law No. 6/2014 being a By-law of the Town of Swan River to amend the Town of Swan River Zoning By-Law by zoning an area described at PT NE ¼ Sec. 16-36-27 WPM to ‘RS-5’ Residential Single Family Zone and ‘AUR’ Agricultural Urban Reserve Zone be read a second time.
6. RESOLVED that the Financial Statement for the month ended September 30th, 2014 be adopted as received.
7. RESOLVED that the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
(1) General Accounts from Cheque No. 15814 to No. 15861 for a total of $115,742.92.
(2) Payroll Account from Cheque No. 3427 to No. 3436 for a total of $89,832.01.
8. RESOLVED that the Swan River Fire Department September 2014 Call Report be received.
9. RESOLVED that BJ Pawn/Carrie Scott be authorized to operate a pawnbrokers business within the Town of Swan River as per the terms and conditions outlined in By-Law 23/95.
10. RESOLVED that the tender received from Kleysen Group for traffic salt in the amount of $8,597.50 be hereby approved.
11. RESOLVED that the assessment alterations amendments as listed by Manitoba Local Government Assessment Services dated October 20th, 2014, be made to the 2014 Tax Roll under authority of Section 300(6) and 326 of The Municipal Act.
12. RESOLVED that Council request that the designation as Local Assistant to the Fire Commissioner be given to Fire Chief Darren Fedorchuk.
13. RESOLVED that the following Offence Notice be added to taxes:
Roll # 244200.000 Notice #004
14. RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public.
15. RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 152(4) of The Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.
16. RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourn.