Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – September 29, 2014

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development September 29, 2014 |

Northwest Region

Favorable weather conditions prevailed throughout the Northwest Region, resulting in good harvest progress for most producers. A few showers over the weekend contributed to wet field conditions in localized areas in the region. In the Ste. Rose, McCreary and Dauphin areas, a number of fields are unable to support harvest equipment.

Regionally, approximately 95% of the wheat crop is mature. The wheat harvest ranges from approximately 20% complete in the McCreary area to 99% in the Swan Valley. Regionally, the wheat harvest is about 65% complete. Good wheat yields and average quality are reported.

About 80% of the canola crop is swathed and 30 to 35% is combined. There are a few reports from producers indicating they are waiting for the green seed count to decrease before combining. Reported canola yields range from 20 bu/acre to over 30 bu/acre. The quality of canola harvested to date is good.

The majority of the soybean and flax acres are still standing with harvest likely a couple of weeks away for most fields, depending on weather. Some of the earlier seeded fields of soybeans are beginning to dry down. Harvest of the field pea crop is complete with average yields and good quality reported. Producers in some parts of the region are caught up on field work. At least a couple of weeks of favorable harvest weather are needed in order for producers to finish this year’s harvest.

Hay harvest is on hold due to rains that began on the weekend. Greenfeed was harvested over the last week. Most cattle are still on pastures that were managed well over the grazing season, with the exception of those along the lakes that were inundated with water from the summer rainfall. Hay shortages still reported to be an issue for those producers along the lakes. Water supply is reported as good in all areas.