Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development September 8, 2014 |
Northwest Region
Unsettled weather over the week resulted in windy days and varying amounts of rainfall throughout the Northwest Region. Most parts of the region received over 25 mm with the highest rainfall amounts reported in the Dauphin district. There were a couple of days where combining was possible for some producers, predominantly in the Roblin and Swan River areas. Regionally, approximately 25% of wheat is in the dough stage of growth and about 75% is mature. Combining began on some wheat fields that had been treated with a preharvest application, but less than 5% of the wheat crop is combined. Early reports indicate wheat yield and quality as average.
About 60% of the canola crop is swathed and less than 1% is combined. The majority of the soybean crop has completed blooming and is podded. Approximately 90% of the field pea crop is combined with average yields reported. Most harvest operations in the area are at a standstill because of rain and wet conditions.
Pastures are slowing in growth and around the lakes producers are considering pulling livestock for supplemental feeding due to high lake levels and accessibility. Haying has been shut down due to considerable rainfall and wet conditions. Accessibility to hay fields and other fields is limited. Localized feed shortages are expected.