Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development July 22, 2014 |
Northwest Region
A few localized thunderstorms passed through the Northwest Region over the weekend resulting in less than 13 mm in most cases.
Crop development continued to be favorable over the week as good growing conditions prevailed through most of the region. Regionally, approximately 40% of the wheat crop is in the milk stage and about 60% in the dough stage. Twenty percent of the canola crop is at some stage of flowering with about 80% podded. Ten percent of the soybeans are flowering and 90% are podded. The field pea crop is fully podded. Some crops are showing multiple stages of growth, particularly canola.
There are symptoms of fusarium head blight and glume blotch appearing in some wheat crops. Canola fields in parts of the region are showing signs of sclerotinia, blackleg and root rot. Wild oats, barnyard grass, foxtail barley and Canada thistle are becoming more evident, particularly where the crop is less competitive. Also, cleavers is becoming more visible in canola crops. Lygus bugs are confirmed in parts of the Swan Valley where some canola fields have been sprayed.
Harvest of winter cereals and early seeded barley has just begun in the more southern part of the region. Haying progressed significantly with the good weather over the last week. Native hay is being harvested in low spots that have dried over the last several weeks.
Many producers along the lakes and The Pas remain impacted by the inundation of water from spring flooding. Pastures that have been rotationally grazed over the summer are still in relatively
good shape, while those that have had continuous grazing are in average to poor condition due to hot dry weather. Rain would improve pastures.
Some fall seeding of forage fields is taking place this fall for renovation purposes due to flooded conditions.