Swan Valley Chamber of Commerce Minutes – May 13, 2014

Submitted for publication by the Swan Valley Chamber of Commerce |

The Swan Valley Chamber of Commerce held a General Membership Meeting on May, 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm.

Present: Bev Potten, Heather Nielsen, Naomi Neufeld, Jodi Willis, Stacy Grindle, Don Declercq, Jack Dyck, Carolyn Baldwin, Shawna Klekta, Kevin Neely, Alex Haluschuk.

RCMP Staff Sargent Cliff McKay
Blaine Campbell-Swan Valley Credit Union

1. Agenda
Additions were made to the agenda
Naomi Neufeld/ Agenda be adopted as presented
Don Declercq/ CARRIED

2. Minutes of March 11, 2014 General Membership Meeting
Stacy Grindle/ Minutes adopted as presented.
Bev Potten/ CARRIED

3. Business Arising from the Minutes
Business Tax
Heather reported that she has been in contact with Lance Jacobson. He will be getting back to her about setting up a meeting.

Heather reported on the Swan Valley Chamber AGM. Kevin Neely acted as MC. Chuck Davidson, President of the Mb Chamber of Commerce was our guest speaker.

4. Delegation
RCMP Cliff McKay “Walking the Beat”

Due to some unpleasant loitering and vandalism instances down-town in the middle of the day the RCMP had been approached to see if they would make a presence by walking down the streets.

Cliff reported that shortage of RCMP manpower prevents this from happening.

Many of the issues dealt with by the RCMP are Mental Health related which takes up a lot of their time and resources.

He reported that implementing a no loitering bylaw will help with some of the issues.

He reported that over the past weekend the RCMP had to transport two inmates to Thompson to a Health Care Facility. This takes away from a constable being in Swan River during this transport.

Constable McKay reported that Swan River detachment is losing a full-time provincially funded RCMP Officer. The detachment is also facing a couple of vacant positions.

He was questioned on whether letters to the Minister of Justice would help in reversing the decision to cut one constable position.

The closing of Swan River’s Safe House was discussed and if the opening of another would aid in the situation?

A suggestion of Introducing the COPP program again was discussed but concern was shown on whether there would be enough volunteers to run the program.
Heather thanked Cliff for his presentation.

Blaine Campbell, Swan Valley Credit Union “Small Business Financing”

Blaine started his presentation by giving a bit of history on the Swan Valley Credit Union. The Swan Valley Credit Union started in 1953 with 12 members. They now have 9000+ members.. They are very community driven. In 2013 they contributed $71,000 in sponsorship.

Blaine reported that when processing a loan the 5 c’s are considered:
1. Capacity- cash flow
2. Collateral- security
3. Character-borrowers reputation
4. Capital- net worth
5. Conditions- terms of credit

Management ability and experience is also a major factor.
99% of applications are approved in house.
If SVCU is unable to accommodate they will give referrals.
Heather thanked Blaine for his presentation.

5. First Impression
Heather had contacted Lee Friesen Alford to see if she would coordinate the program but Lee has declined. Someone is needed to spearhead but due to the deadline we will have to pass this time.

6. UCN
Heather attended the Strategic Planning for UCN
Some topics discussed were:
a. Infrastructure and Housing
b. Larger Campus
c. Dual Credits

7. Mb Chamber AGM in Dauphin
Heather attended on behalf of the Chamber. She felt it was very beneficial. Some of the projects that various Chambers have done are:

Community Sale – Black Friday, big discounts, passport stamped
12@12 – invite 12 members for lunch – what’s happening in your business and what can we do to help?
Business after 5
Newspaper member profile – once a month – middle section $200 cost, $50 ads, profile a business, advertise events
Women in Business Lunch and Learn – March Int’l woman’s day held an ungala
Joint luncheon with Rotary
Working groups – specific task and timeline
Business Excellence awards
Joint 3m’s with other organizations
Dragon’s Den with business students
What’s your bold idea – ask the public
Chamber U – member talks – lunch and learn
Town Counsellor pairings for open discussion

8. MAFRI Partners in Growth
MAFRI will match dollars on projects. Members were asked if there was a project that they would like to see happen. Unfortunately due to a fast approaching deadline the Chamber will review a project for next year. Topic will be re-introduced in January to ensure appropriate amount of time to discuss

9. Committee Reports

a. Membership
2014 telephone directories are out. Data base has merged the non-members with current members to keep a more detail record.

b. Events
Bev Potten reported that Valley In the Mountain Group will put together another Tourism Guide for next year.

Their website is partnering with Valley Biz.

Thompson Trade Show
Six delegates attended and the foot traffic through the trade show was extremely busy. There were lots of young families looking to relocate. A suggestion was made to get a large map to pinpoint Swan River.

It was suggested to take in Flin Flon Trade Show next year-maybe rotate the two.

c. Retail
Don Declercq reported that retail had a meeting and decided to have Midnight Madness a week earlier than last year. Decided on November 22nd.Event Name to be determined. Suggestion options were Valley Madness, Moonlight Madness, Midnight Madness.

Discussion in regards to having the Tree Lighting and sleigh rides, music etc.

Bev reported that the Valley Stage players were having their play that weekend so a bit of a conflict. Discussion on whether the date should be changed. Bev will talk to Valley Stage Players to see if they can change or maybe the promotion could be changed to the week before.

Don also reported that they were going to introduce the coupon page again but emphasized that the coupon had to be a good deal.

d. Executive
Executive Assistant
Jodi reported that they are still recruiting. Will make their final decision soon.

e. Economic Development
Heather reported that Prairie Mountain Health will be holding their Stake Holders Meeting on June 24th.

10. Open Forum
a. The question was asked on whether a Customer Service Training Program could be implemented. An ongoing program would be more desirable.
Jack Dyck will look into.

a. The Safe House issue was re-introduced.
Jack Dyck will inquire on what is being done.

A discussion took place on whether there was anything we could do about the constable position being cut. Suggestions were made to write letters to the Minister of Justice and publish an article in the Star & Times to make public awareness. Jack Dyck will follow up.

Heather Nielsen/ That we adjourn.

Next General Meeting July 8, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.