Swan Valley Hoedowners Host Guest Nights

Submitted by:
Lloyd Gilchrist

“Circle left, circle right, promenade, right and left grand, swing your partner, weave the ring” were just some of the moves called out as the Swan Valley Hoedowners hosted guests at their square dances April 9 & 16, 2014

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Several new dancers were welcomed to the fun of square dancing for the past two Wednesday evenings at the Swan River Senior Centre.

As the square dance club winds down another fun-filled season of dancing, they thought it would be a great idea to host these evenings to introduce some new people to the social and physical benefits of square dancing.

On April 9, caller Linda Gilchrist kept the evening going with informative words of instruction during the hoedowns and exciting singing during the singing calls for the duration of the evening.

On April 16, Linda was joined by called Brad Slepicka as the two callers kept all the dancers happy with a very enjoyable evening of dancing.