Town of Minitonas Minutes – October 4, 2013

Special Meeting of the members of Council of the Town of Minitonas, held in the Council Chambers, Minitonas, Manitoba this 4th day of October, 2013 A.D. at 5:20 p.m.

The purpose of this Special Meeting of Council is to discuss the purchase of a new mower/snow thrower, the Favel River Bridge, the break-in at the Community Store, upcoming Community Events, the Public Works List, and the AMM Meeting in Portage la Prairie.

Present: Mayor Barkowski
Councillors: Bartel & Caruk
CAO: C. Gordon

Present by Electronic Communications: Councillor: S. Windsor

1. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
WHEREAS the Minitonas Town Council has reviewed the quotes for a riding mower/snow blower submitted to date;
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the purchase of a Kubota Diesel Front Mower from Rough Country Sports in the amount of $36,451.19 as per the quote attached hereto, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the full amount of the aforementioned purchase shall be transferred from the Municipality’s Equipment Replacement Reserve Account to the General Chequing Account upon receipt of the equipment and the invoice for payment.

2. D. Bartel – S. Windsor
WHEREAS Councillor William Robb has handed in his resignation from the Minitonas Town Council and this has resulted in a vacancy of the position of Deputy Mayor;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Councillor John Caruk shall be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the Town of Minitonas effective immediately.

3. D. Bartel – S. Windsor
WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Minitonas feels it is in the best interest of the community to have a member of council attend the AMM Meeting in Portage la Prairie to discuss Bill 33, the implications and concerns from forced amalgamations;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize Councillor John Caruk to attend the meeting to represent the municipality and that all expenses related to this attendance be covered under the terms and conditions of the current Council Indemnity By-Law.

4. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
WHEREAS recent incidents of vandalism have caused concern for local business owners and residents, and;
WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Minitonas feels it is in the best interest of the community to gather the local business owners to meet with the RCMP and members council to discuss possible solutions and support efforts to curtail the unwanted activity and protect local citizens and business owners and their properties;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize CAO, Carolyn Gordon to make arrangements for such a meeting and organized all details for interested parties.

5. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Minitonas agrees that it is in the best interest of the community to provide an opportunity for the two boys being charged with the vandalism of the Favel River Bridge to provide unpaid labour and assist with the repairs required to the structure as a result of the damage;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a letter of understanding be issued by the Town of Minitonas and signed by the CAO, Carolyn Gordon outlining the terms and conditions of the volunteer labour as attached hereto.

6. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
WHEREAS two quotes have been received by the municipality for the replacement of the rear tires for the backhoe;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town Council hereby agree to the purchase of two tires for the Backhoe from Kal-Tire as attached hereto.

7. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 5:45 pm.