Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – October 7, 2013

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre October 7, 2013 |

Northwest Region

Cool seasonal temperatures, cloudy conditions with scattered light rain showers and occasional strong winds, hampered harvest operations in the southern areas of the Northwest Region early in the week. Killing frosts where temperatures as low as -7 degrees Celsius occurred Thursday and Friday. Temperatures and conditions improved by the weekend when harvesting became more general. The Pas area received rainfall of 30 mm which brought harvest to a standstill.

Overall, an estimated 80% of total acres are harvested. Because of the marginal harvesting conditions this week, more of the crop was harvested at higher moisture contents and put under air. An estimated 70% of canola acres are combined and 25% is in swath. High winds through the Grandview area moved some canola swaths; however, losses are minor. The spring wheat harvest is virtually complete; oats and barley is approximately 75% combined. At The Pas, the wheat harvest is complete but no canola has been combined to date.

The soybean harvest is underway through Ste. Rose and Dauphin; yields are ranging from 30 to 45 bu/acre. Industrial hemp, corn and flax are drying down.

Winter wheat and fall rye are at three leaves to one tiller and benefiting from the improved soil moisture.

Late second cut forage operations were underway just before and after the recent killing frost. Straw and native hay are being baled. A forage supply shortage is expected at The Pas and in the Westlake area.

Fall field tillage operations, baled straw and forage removal are ongoing.