Shootout at the BullARama Saloon

ValleyBiz Story |

The Bowsman and District Lions Club hosted an Old Western Family Steak BBQ and Saloon on Saturday, October 5, 2013.

The event included wagon rides, live music and dancing, a saloon and a wild west show.

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Kids played cowboy on a rocking horse and poeple of every age enjoyed wagon rides around town.

The Lions were busy grilling up mouth-watering steak for hungry guests.

As part of the wild west show, people entering the bbq were warned to be on the lookout for “Bad Bart”, a dangerous cattle rustler on the loose.

The saloon was a popular place to get some refreshments or just hang out with some of the actors.

While everyone was visiting and enjoying their meal, Bad Bart came storming in brandishing a pistol and a bad attitude – ending in an old fashioned shootout.

The tension grew as the two men stood back to back, weapons loaded.

When the shootout was over, one man lay dead on the ground.

He was placed in a pine box under the watchful eye of the undertaker and then he was carried away.

Meanwhile, Bad Bart was up to his mean ole self.

As if cattle rustlin’ wasn’t enough, he took advantage of the excitement and stole a child.

The Sherrif organized a posse from the audience to bring him in – dead or alive.

It didn’t take long before they returned – Bad Bart captured and the child unharmed.

Bravo to all involved in the spectacular Wild West Show!