Submitted by:
Carolyn Gordon,
Town of Minitonas
The Minitonas Town Hall roof desperately needed shingling to stop the leakage and protect the structure from damage.
Pictures courtesy ValleyBiz.
Click any picture for a larger version.
The Town Council explored the idea of hiring a local contractor for the project but the cost of approximately $20,000 was not in this year’s budget. After working hard to secure grant funding and donations for repairs/renovations to the Minitonas Town Hall, there has not been enough funding to affordably proceed with a project at this time.
Councillor Derek Bartel started the idea of having an ‘old fashioned community project’ (pay for supplies, utilized the Town Public Works Staff, ask for local volunteers with experience, hold fundraising events, ask for donations) and the idea blossomed from there to make the project affordable (approximately $6,000 for supplies) and save the roof.
Through his hard work, planning, phoning, and conversations with area residents, Derek was able to secure Wayne Ames and Scott Ames (2 local roofers) to lead the construction project and received full support from the other members of the Town Council to go ahead and trust that the community would support the project.
Leo & Betty MacCumber (along with local volunteers) organized, prepared, served & cleaned up after the lunches and suppers for the 2 days. Workers were fed (Scott Ames and Wayne Ames pictured below) and members of the local community came out for a meal and a visit for their donations. Over $1000 has been raised so far.
Local businesses (Minitonas Community Store & Holmstead Emporium) have donated equipment and supplies to help with the project. A few local residents also made cash donations toward the project costs.
The Minitonas Town Council is still exploring grant funding and donation sources to proceed with the phased-in projects being planned for future renovations and upgrades to the Town Hall over the next few years.
Any donations made toward the project will be appreciated and tax receipts will be issued for donations made directly to the municipal office. It isn’t too late to offer financial support!
The Minitonas Town Council truly appreciates the support of the community & the local area in making this project successful and affordable!
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way!