The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, May 21st at 7:30 pm. in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor McKenzie presiding and Councillors Bobick, Jacobson, Friesen, Whyte, Delaurier and Sakai present.
Variation Order Hearing:
The Variation Order Hearing was called to order by Mayor McKenzie who advised that the purpose of the hearing was to hear representation for or against the following:
Variation Application No. 1/2013 to vary the Commercial Highway Zone (CH) fence height requirement from a maximum of four feet in a front yard to six feet on Parcel A, Plan No. 2064 DLTO and located at 1620 Main Street in Swan River, Manitoba.
There being no persons present that wished to speak regarding the matter the hearing was adjourned.
Delegation: George van der Walt, Tim Froese and Hughie Borland regarding Temporary Rugby Field.
1. RESOLVED that the Amended Agenda for the May 21st, 2013 regular meeting of Council be received.
2. RESOLVED that the minutes of the May 9″th, 2013 regular meeting of Council be adopted as received.
3. RESOLVED that Derek Poole, Duane Whyte, Jason Sakal, Julie Fothergill and a clerical staff member be authorized to travel to Stonewall, MB for a meeting with Accent Group Inc. on May 29”th, 2013 and then to Winnipeg, MB for a meeting with Supreme Basics on May 30th, 2013.
4. RESOLVED that Variation Appiication No. 1/2013 by Bill Musey to allow the construction of a six foot high chain link fence in the front and side yard of the property at 1620 Main Street located in a commercial zone be hereby approved without conditions.
5. RESOLVED that the Conditional use application No. 1/2013 by Sapotaweyak Cree Nation to allow the establishment of a VLT Sports Lounge at Lot 13 Special Plan 3211 DLTO be hereby approved, on the condition that there is a no smoking policy within the facility.
Glen McKenzie
Lance Jacobson
Duane Whyte
Phyl Friesen
Jason Sakai
Jason Delaurier
Don Bobick
6. RESOLVED that By-Law No. 2/2013 being a By-Law of the Town of Swan River to set rates for taxation for the year 2013, be read a second time.
7. RESOLVED that By-Law No. 2/2013 being a By-Law of the Town of Swan River to set rates for taxation for the year 2013 be read a third time and be passed.
Glen McKenzie Yes
Don Bobick Yes
Phyllis Friesen Yes
Jason Delaurier Yes
Lance Jacobson Yes
Jason Sakal Yes
Duane Whyte Yes
8. RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River agree to pay Cliff Robertson $100 per trailer load of tires that he loads at the Swan River Landfill site until December 31st, 2013.
9. RESOLVED that Kondelhahn Fencing be hired to install 410 meters of chain link fence at the recycle building for the amount of $31,610.00
10. RESOLVED that the Mayor, Council, Chief Administrative Officer and Assistant Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to attend the G7 meeting being held in Birch River, MB on June 3rd, 2013.
11. WHEREAS Section 162(1) of the Municipal Act requires that every Council must adopt a Financial Plan for each fiscal year in the form approved by the Minister and consisting of:
a) An Operating Budget
b) A Capital Budget
c) An estimate of Operating Revenue and Expenditures for the following fiscal year and;
d) A five year Capital Expenditure Program
AND WHEREAS Section 162(2) of the Municipal Act requires that before adopting the Financial Plan, the Council must give public notice and hold a hearing in respect to the plan;
AND WHEREAS a public hearing has been held;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Financial Plan for 2013 Fiscal Year consisting of:
a) An Operating Budget
b) A Capital Budget
c) An estimate of Operating Revenue and Expenditures for the following fiscal year and;
d) A five year Capital Expenditure Program
12. RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Works Report be received.
13. RESOLVED that the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
(1) General Accounts from Cheque No. 13125 to No. 13201 for a total of $109,842.74.
(2) Payroll Account from Cheque No. 3075 to 3081 for a total of $80,649.44.
14. RESOLVED that the Swan Valley Regional Initiative for a Strong Economy (RISE) Financial Statement for the year ended December 31, 2012 and prepared by Reimer & Company be received.
15. RESOLVED that Bernie Gramyk and Mitchell Bruneau be authorized to close the back lane behind Almost Criminal (former Anne’s Style Shop) on Friday, June 14th, 2013 from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm to hold a barbeque in conjunction with their grand opening.
6. RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public.
17. RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 152(4) of The Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.
18. RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourned.