RM of Minitonas Minutes – January 9, 2013

Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 9th day of January, 2013 A.D. at 8:00 am.

Present: Reeve McIntosh,
Councillors: Pacamaniuk, Klekta, Rinsdorf & Eisner
CAO: Carolyn Gordon

Additions to Agenda:

3.7 Hometown Green Team – Summer Student Application

Additional Correspondence:

7.2 Swan Valley Credit Union re: 2013 Directors Elections

1. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.

2. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on December 10th, 2012 and the Regular Meeting of Council held on December 11th, 2012, shall be adopted as circulated.

3. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation for the months ending November 30th, 2012 and Financial Statement for the month ending December 31st, 2012 shall be adopted as presented.

4. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas may, in accordance with Section 163 of the Municipal Act, adopt an Interim Operating Budget;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby agree to adopt the following Interim Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2013:
General Fund
General Government Services 100,000.00
Protective Services 25,000.00
Transportation Services 200,000.00
Environmental Health Services 50,000.00
Public Health and Welfare Services 5,000.00
Economic Development Services 20,000.00
Recreation and Culture Services 50,000.00
Fiscal Services 100,000.00
Total Required $450,000.00

5. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize payment of the List of Accounts numbered 7516 to 7599 inclusive, amounting to $688,974.88.

6. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the RM of Minitonas Council does hereby appoint Burnside & Ferris as the law firm to provide legal counsel for the municipality for the 2013 Calendar Year and approve payment of the annual retainer as attached hereto.

7. D. Klekta- C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the CAO, Carolyn Gordon shall be hereby authorized to apply to the Province of Manitoba for a Pesticide Use Permit including the attached list of Pesticides for possible use in control of noxious weeds for 2013.

8. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas does hereby appoint the following persons as ‘Honorary Fire Guardians’ for the 2013 Wildfire Season, with the notification of said appointments to be submitted to Manitoba Conservation;
Carolyn Gordon
Michael McIntosh
Clinton Eisner
Walter Pacamaniuk
Daniel Klekta
Eckhard Rinsdorf

9. E. Rinsdorf – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas does hereby approve the attached list of Grants and Memberships for 2013 as per Schedule ‘A’.

10. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the year 2012 be the designated year with regards to the Rural Municipality of Minitonas Tax Sale, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all properties with taxes owing for any portion of the year 2011 or prior, shall be offered for sale by public auction, to be held at 11:00 a.m. on November 22nd, 2013 in order to recover tax arrears and all associated costs, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Taxervice is hereby authorized to conduct the 2013 Tax Sale on behalf of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas.

11. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the attached report was received from the CAO dated January 8th, 2013 regarding the position of caretaker;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby agree to accept the verbal resignation of the current caretaker with regrets, and will advertise the position with a deadline for application to be set for February 8th, 2013;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the office staff will be compensated on a prorated basis for temporary coverage at the same monthly rate as currently being paid until such time as a new caretaker can be hired.

12. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
WHEREAS the Council for the RM of Minitonas has reviewed the agreements for contract services for 2013 with regards to building inspections, spare equipment operating, and Workplace Safety & Health Supervision, and;
WHEREAS the Council is in agreement to the proposed fees for said services;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the aforementioned contract agreements for the 2013 Fiscal Year as detailed on the copies attached hereto.

13. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
WHEREAS the Rural Municipality of Minitonas has received notification from Manitoba Local Government that all municipalities with a population under 1000 need to consider amalgamation with a municipality which shares a border, and;
WHEREAS the municipality currently shares a good working relationship and many shared services with the Town of Minitonas and the Village of Bowsman;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a meeting of the three municipalities shall be set for January 14th, 2013 in order to further explore the possibility of amalgamation.

14. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
WHEREAS the RM of Minitonas Council has reviewed the performance of their Public Works Operators and Staff and are prepared to set the wages and salaries for 2013;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the attached Public Works Salaries and Wages for 2013 as attached hereto, effective January 1, 2013.

15. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
WHEREAS the performance of the public works employees hired in 2012 have been reviewed by the members of the Council for the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, and;
WHEREAS the Council is in agreement that the performance is satisfactory to end the period of probation and include said employees;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby approve the inclusion of said public works employees as permanent members of staff as detailed on Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ attached hereto.

16. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the wage scales for the Rural Municipality of Minitonas shall be adopted as listed on Appendix ‘D’ to the RM of Minitonas Policy Manual, a copy of which is attached hereto.

17. C. Eisner – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT we do agree to hire George Lumax to assist the municipality with ridging on private lands as attached hereto,

18. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
WHEREAS an application for a ‘Variation Order’ has been received with respect to the setback distances from the Property Line as set out on Table No. 4-1 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas Zoning By-Law No. 1/2007, and;
WHEREAS an application for a variation to said set-back distance is allowed under Section 7.8 for consideration by the RM of Minitonas Council, once proper notification has been issued and a Public Hearing is held in accordance with Section 94 of The Planning Act;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby agree to hold a Public Hearing on February 13th, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers of the Minitonas Municipal Office for the purpose of answering questions or hearing representation from any landowner wishing to do so in regards to said variation request;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all notifications shall be made in accordance with Section 169 (1) of The Planning Act.

19. E. Rinsdorf – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT we do agree to allow Richard Hancharyk to harvest fallen trees on the municipal property known as the NW ¼ 13-36-24 WPM as per the terms and conditions attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’.

20. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the CAO shall be authorized to apply for 1 summer student under the 1st Intake of the Hometown Green Team Program for the period of May to October, 2013;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT an ad shall be placed in the local newspaper on 2 occasions and a deadline for applications will be set for April 5th, 2013.

Councillor Eisner left the meeting at 12:30 pm.

21. E. Rinsdorf – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:45 pm to meet again for the next Regular Meeting of Council on February 13th, 2013 at 8:00 am.