Air Cadets Hold Open House and Dance

Submitted by: Irene Hartwig | They came in cars, trucks and even buses for the Swan Valley Air Cadets’ Open House and Light Show & Dance on Friday night at the Swan Valley Museum.

The event began at 4:00 p.m. with an Open House in which young people ages 11 – 18, along with their parents, could meet with some of the Cadets and their Leaders and check out some displays. Information about summer camps, survival camp, various trips and the gliding program were just some of the things that were highlighted.

Then at 7:00 p.m. the house lights dimmed and the music began. Over fifty young people, parents and leaders enjoyed the light show and music by DJ Tim Kemash (a former Air Cadet himself).

At one point in the evening a challenge was given … if all the young people were up on the floor dancing, then Captain Martin had to come and dance as well. As you can see, they took up that challenge.

DJ Tim Kemash came down from the platform and put on a show as everyone gathered around.

“It was great!” and “This is so cool!” are just some of the comments about this event. Plans are already underway for a dance, next year, on October 25th so mark your calendars.

Thank you to everyone who took part in making this such a great event.

If you missed the event and would like more information about the Air Cadet Program, please contact Captain Martin at 281-1762