RM Of Minitonas Minutes – September 12, 2012

Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 12th day of September, 2012 A.D. at 8:00 am.

Present: Reeve McIntosh,
Councillors: Pacamaniuk, Klekta, Rinsdorf & Eisner
CAO: Carolyn Gordon


8:30 am Terry Betcher re: Drainage Issues
9:00 am Daryl Chartrand re: Public Works Report

Additions to Agenda:

4.7 Septic Waste Disposal
4.8 Blue Cross Claim
4.9 Gravel Contract

1. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.

2. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on August 8th, 2012 and the Special Meeting of Council held on August 10th, 2012, shall be adopted as circulated.

3. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Statement for the month ending July 31, 2012 shall be adopted as presented.

4. E. Rinsdorf – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize payment of the List of Accounts numbered 7198 to 7281 inclusive, amounting to $212,598.38.

5. D. Klekta – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the attendance of the Assistant CAO’s at the September 17th, 2012 MMAA Fall District #7 Meeting is hereby approved, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all applicable expenses related to the aforementioned meeting shall be paid in accordance with the current RM of Minitonas Indemnity By-Law and Policy Manual.

6. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby approve the attached request for employee vacations.

7. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Assistant CAO, Sandy Nahnybida is hereby approved to attend the MEBP 2012 Benefits Administration Seminar to be held in Dauphin, Manitoba on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all applicable expenses related to the aforementioned seminar shall be paid in accordance with the current RM of Minitonas Indemnity By-Law and Policy Manual.

8. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 6/2012, being a by-law of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas for the purpose of authorizing the requirements of obtaining an Aggregate Mining License and an Aggregate Transportation License including, but not limited to the levies payable for said licenses, shall be read a second time this 12th day of September, 2012 A.D.

9. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
WHEREAS an application for a ‘Variation Order’ has been received with respect to the setback distances from the Property Line as set out on Table No. 4-1 of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas Zoning By-Law No. 1/2007, and;
WHEREAS an application for a variation to said set-back distance is allowed under Section 7.8 for consideration by the RM of Minitonas Council, once proper notification has been issued and a Public Hearing is held in accordance with Section 94 of The Planning Act;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby agree to hold a Public Hearing on October 10th, 2012 at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers of the Minitonas Municipal Office for the purpose of answering questions or hearing representation from any landowner wishing to do so in regards to said variation request;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all notifications shall be made in accordance with Section 169 (1) of The Planning Act.

10. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
WHEREAS the RM of Minitonas Council has reviewed and approve the rates set by Manitoba Blue Cross for the municipality’s group insurance program;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the aforementioned policy shall be approved for renewal for the period of November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013 and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the CAO shall be authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the municipality.

11. D. Klekta – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT the RM of Minitonas Council does hereby agree to send out a letter to the local septic service providers requesting quotes for ‘Septic Services” for the Municipal Shops in Minitonas and Bowsman.

Councillor Eisner left the meeting at 12:20 pm.

12. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS there are numerous areas in the Swan River Valley where there is no cell service, or very poor quality service;
AND WHEREAS the majority of the residents and business owners in the Swan River Valley, including members of councils, ratepayers, business owners, employees and students, as well as numerous travelers now carry cell phones for convenience, accessibility and safety;
AND WHEREAS a letter was issued to MTS Allstream Inc. in the past in an effort to make the company more aware of the seriousness of the request, and the number of cell phone users who are being billed full costs, but not receiving inadequate service and there has been a deterioration of services since that time;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas shall hereby write another letter of request to MTS Allstream Inc. asking them to take a serious look at the number of cell phone users in the Swan River Valley who are paying full costs for minimal or no services, and to provide adequate services to this area that will more fairly represent the fees being charged.

13. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the Swan Lake Watershed Conservation District is planning a project in the Rural Municipality of Minitonas on the land known as N ½ 31-35-25 along Road No. 210N;
AND WHEREAS the RM of Minitonas Council is aware and approves of said project;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby agree to assume responsibility for all works on municipal owned property.

14. E. Rinsdorf – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:30 pm to meet again for the next Regular Meeting of Council on October 10th, 2012 at 8:00 am.