ValleyBiz Story |
An old fashioned picnic and potluck supper was held Sunday, August 5, 2012 at the Big Woody Hall to celebrate the centennial of the formation of the Big Woody School District.
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The festivities had many reminiscing about the picnics traditionally held on the last day of school. The kids races were a big hit back then and with this generation as well.
Winners of the races received tickets to buy treats from the canteen – 3 for first place, 2 for second and 1 for third.
Even the adults got into the spirit “demonstrating” the races for the kids.
People took turns churning the home made ice cream.
It was observed that fresh cream used to make faster work of the ice cream.
There were plenty of old pictures and documents on display that inspired many memories and stories of times gone by.
As the day wore on, people visited, enjoyed the sunny afternoon and played some ball as they waited for the potluck supper to begin.