Chamber of Commerce 2012 Annual General Meeting

Submitted by Wayne Grier |

The Swan Valley Chamber of Commerce held their Annual General Meeting April 4, 2012.

It was a great evening with approximately 50 people in attendance, highlighted by Guest Speaker Kathy Fisher and her presentation on Leadership! It was a profound message, one that every Valley resident would have had a keen interest in hearing. The essence, of course was developing Trust and working towards a mutual common interest in making sure the Swan River Valley is the best community in all of Canada to live, work, play and raise a family!

Pictured above is Chamber President, Wayne Grier, presenting the Community Contribution award to Thunderhill Ski Club’s representative, Mel Edmunds!

Thunderhill Ski Club Inc. BIO

It all started in 1967 when the Benito Elks had the foresight to start a ski hill on Thunderhill as their centennial project.

As the years have progressed, the hill has developed from a rope tow and a few runs in 1967, to that lift being replaced by a 1450 foot fixed T-bar lift in 1977, then more runs and a rope tow were added years later, then the chalet was upgraded. It has been a constant process of improvement for our club members.

Skip forward to 2012 and our current re-development project. Phase One has involved adding a 1450 foot Doppelmayer Retractable T-bar and more runs bringing the number of runs to 22 with a vertical drop of 400 feet. The longest run is now ¾ of a mile.

Phase Two of our plan is to replace and upgrade our main lift, the fixed T-bar, with another 1450 foot Doppelmayer Retractable T-bar as well as some equipment and facility additions.

Thunderhill had over 3000 skier visits, served 1227 students in the school program, and employed 22 people during the 2011/2012 season.

We are proud of our extensive list of volunteers and very appreciative of the tremendous support we receive from our donor individuals and businesses.