Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre
July 4, 2011 |
Northwest Region
Seasonal temperatures with some mid-week light localized showers, occasional windy periods and several days with higher humidity. The favourable conditions are promoting good crop development.
Through the Swan River and Roblin areas, the majority of wheat is into early flag leaf stages and 5% heading. Canola is 10% late seedling stages with the majority cabbaging and approximately10% of the fields are beginning to bloom.
Variable crop staging characterizes the eastern section of the Region. Staging of cereal crop ranges from pre-emerge to early flag leaf. Canola staging also ranges from early seedling to a few early fields beginning to bloom. In response to excess moisture stress, premature bolting of canola is evident under the early season high field moisture conditions. Crop drown-outs and yellowing due to impacts of excess moisture and nutrient losses are increasingly visible As fields dry, producers continue to seed green feed.
In-crop herbicide application continue to occur, with fungicide treatments beginning as crop staging advances. Bertha armyworm trap counts are lower; however, Diamondback moth trap counts have increased. Roblin reports some low incidence of root maggot activity on canola.
Favourable weather and forage development has allowed increased haying operations to proceed. Reported yields are averaging 2.5 tonnes.
Adjacent to Lakes Winnipegosis, Manitoba and Dauphin; in higher and drier pasture lands, both improved and native forage areas are in good condition and improving. Adverse winds and high water levels are still impacting low lying lands and continue to cause flooding, reduced availability and access to adjacent native pasture and forage.