Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – September 17, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

September 17, 2024

Northwest Region
Generally, a good week for harvest progress with a pause mid-week due to precipitation in some parts of the region. A hot start to the week with highest daytime temperature recorded at Birch River station at 35 °C. The lowest overnight temperature in the region was recorded at the Minitonas station at 2.7 °C. Drifting River station and Swan Valley received the most precipitation this week at 12 mm.

Harvest in some areas has been a challenge and slow at times where crops had been lodged this season. This includes cereals, oilseeds as well as field peas. Post harvest operations are occurring on some fields as time allows.

Field pea harvest is approximately 98% complete. Average yield so far is 60 to 65 bushels/acre.

Spring wheat harvest continues across the region and is approximately 70% complete. Average reported yield so far is approximately 65 to 70 bushels/acre. With some fields averaging less at 40 to 50 bu/ac and some going 80 bu/acre plus.

Canola harvest is also underway and is approximately 20-25% complete across the region with some areas more advanced. Swathing and desiccation continue as stages are reached. Reported yields so far have been quite varied based on crop conditions throughout the season as well as disease pressure, but generally lower than average. Average yields so far have been approximately 30 to 40 bu/acre.

Provincial Overview
Harvest continues in spring cereals and canola. Yield reports range from 25 to 90 bu/acre in spring wheat, 80 to180 bu/acre in oat, and 90 to 115 bu/acre in barley. Canola harvest continues and is approximately 49% complete. Corn crops continue to develop rapidly with cobs in the dent growth stage and milk lines moving down kernels as they approach physiological maturity. Earlier seeded sunflower fields are moving into the R9 (bracts becoming yellow and brown, physiological maturity) growth stage while later seeded fields are well into the R8 growth stage (back of the head fully yellow, bracts remaining green). Overall cop condition is considered good.

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