Town of Swan River Minutes – July 2, 2024

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor Jacobson presiding along with Deputy Mayor Moriaux and Councillors Bobick, Medwid, Powell and Whyte.

Absent with Permission: Councillor Boychuk

Also Present:
CAO D. Poole, CFO T. Gnida, Public Works Dir. Harvey, Rec Dir. E. Clouson

Media: Jeremy Bergen, Star and Times


1. Call meeting to order

Mayor Jacobson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Resolution No: 2024-0287
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that the agenda for the July 2nd, 2024 regular meeting of Council be adopted.

3. Confirmation of the minutes

Resolution No: 2024-0288
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED the minutes of the June 18th, 2024 regular council meeting and the June 25, 2024 Special Meeting be approved.

4. Reception of Delegations and Hearings

4.1 Open public hearing for By-Law 13/2024 Columbarium expenditure and borrowing

Resolution No: 2024-0289
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that this Regular Meeting of Council be suspended and Council open the Public Hearing for By-Law 13/2024 to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for the purchase of a columbarium.

4.2 Close public hearing for By-Law 13/2024

Resolution No: 2024-0290
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED the Public Hearing for the By-Law 13/2024 be closed at 7:10 pm and the July 2nd Regular Meeting of Council be resumed.

4.3 Open Public Hearing- Variance 02.2024- Parcel 1- Plan 1173- Schenk

Resolution No: 2024-0291
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that this regular meeting be closed and the public hearing on Variance Order 2.2024 be opened.

4.4 Close Public Hearing – Variance 2.2024

Resolution No: 2024-0292
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that the public hearing be adjourned and the regular meeting be re-opened.

4.5 Open Appeal Hearing 1/2024 – Unsightly By-Law 06/2023 – Demolition Order for 346 6th Ave South

Resolution No: 2024-0293
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED council suspend this regular meeting, and open appeal hearing 1.2024.

4.6 Close Appeal Hearing 1/2024

Resolution No: 2024-0294
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED appeal hearing 1.2024 be closed, the July 2, 2024 regular meeting of council resume.

5. Reception of Petitions

6. Communications

6.1 Letter notifying of federal budget cut to labour market training

Resolution No: 2024-0295
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED the letters from Minister Moses, and Deputy Minister Rudy, providing notification of the Federal Budget cut to Labour Market Training be received.

6.2 MMSM 2023 Annual Report

Resolution No: 2024-0296
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that the Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba 2023 Annual Report be received.

7. Reports

7.1 Director of Public Works Report

Resolution No: 2024-0297
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED the Director of Public Works report be received.

7.2 Other Reports

7.3 Council and CAO Reports

8. New Business

8.1 Variance 2.2024 – Parcel 1- Plan 1173 – Schenk

Resolution No: 2024-0298
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that Variance Order 2.2024 for Parcel 1- Plan 1173 – Schenk be approved.

8.2 Appeal 1.2024 – Unsightly By Law 6/2023 – 346 6th Ave South

Resolution No: 2024-0299
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that council confirm the order of the designated officer in regard to the appeal hearing 1/2024, in accordance with By-Law 6/2023.
Don Bobick – yes
Tracy Boychuk – absent
Lance Jacobson – yes
Corinna Medwid – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Tanya Powell – yes
Duane Whyte – yes

8.3 Swan River – Citizen appointment to Library Board

Resolution No: 2024-0300
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED Nancy Yakielashek be appointed as the Town of Swan River citizen representative to the Northwest Regional Library Board.

8.4 Fee Schedule – Amendment

Resolution No: 2024-0301
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED, that the current 2024 Fee Schedule for the Town of Swan River be amended to add a fee under the Building Permit Fee Schedule which shall read: “Moving Building Into Town [Out of Town Building Inspection Fee] – $300.00 & per km/rate as per from the Town of Swan River’s Travel Policy; round-trip”.

8.5 Swan Valley Municipal Airport Commission 2023 financial statements

Resolution No: 2024-0302
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley Municipal Airport Commission audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2023 be received.

8.6 Swan Valley Planning District 2023 Financial Statements

Resolution No: 2024-0303
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the Swan Valley Planning District audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2023 be received.

9. Unfinished Business

10. Accounts

10.1 To approve accounts

Resolution No: 2024-0304
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Account Cheques No. 31716 to No. 31755 totaling $155,658.10 as listed on Schedule A.
2. Payroll Account Cheques No. 5460 to No. 5463 totaling $108,807.86 as listed on Schedule B.
3. Direct Deposit Payments totaling $795.00 as listed on Schedule C.
4. Direct Deposit Payments totaling $41,962.18 as listed on Schedule D.

10.2 To approve assessment alteration

Resolution No: 2024-0305
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: David Moriaux
WHEREAS Subsection 300(6) of The Municipal act provides that a municipality may cancel or reduce taxes upon receipt of assessment alterations from Manitoba Assessment Services;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the assessment alteration provided by Manitoba Assessment Services on June 27th, 2024 be made to the 2024 Property Tax Roll, with the resulting reduction being $1,811.11.

10.3 To adopt the May 2024 financial statements

Resolution No: 2024-0306
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED the Financial Statements for the Five Months Ending May 31st, 2024 be adopted as received.

11. By-Laws

11.1 First reading of By-Law 13/2024 Columbarium Expenditure and Borrowing

Resolution No: 2024-0307
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that By-Law 13/2024, being a By-law to provide for the expenditure and borrowing of funds for the purchase of a columbarium, be read a first time.

11.2 Third Reading – Bylaw 12/2024 Building Bylaw

Resolution No: 2024-0308
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 12/2024 being the Building By-Law of the Town of Swan River be read a third time and passed.
Don Bobick – yes
Tracy Boychuk – absent
Lance Jacobson – yes
Corinna Medwid – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Tanya Powell – yes
Duane Whyte – yes

12. Notice of Motion

13. In Camera

Resolution No: 2024-0309
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public. Items to be discussed:
HR Procedure

14. Out of Camera

Resolution No: 2024-0310
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.

15. Items Arising out of Camera

16. Member Privilege

17. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2024-0311
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED that this regular meeting of Council now adjourn at 8:30 pm.