RM of Mountain Minutes – July 10, 2024

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 at the Rural Municipality of Mountain Council Chambers in Birch River, MB.

Members Present:

Reeve: Keith Behrmann
Councillors: Dan Laychuk, Nestor Rizok, Jarrett Mosiondz, and Brad Wyatt.
Councillor Malcolm and Councillor Pedersen were absent with notice.

CAO Paige Wozny was present and acted as secretary.

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Reeve Keith Behrmann, quorum being present.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: 2024/230
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the July 10th, 2024 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
For: 5 Against:

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Resolution No: 2024/231
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Daniel Laychuk
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held June 26th, 2024 be adopted as presented, all requirements having been complied with.
For: 5 Against:

4. By-Laws & Policies

4.1 Development Plan Review

Resolution No: 2024/232
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the DRAFT Development Plan as presented and prepared by Urban Systems.
For: 5 Against:

4.2 Review Private Public Works Policy: Public Works Do Not Have Time to Complete Private Works

5. Financial

5.1 Financial Statements: Review

5.2 Recreation Funding – Mafeking: Make Donations to Committees or Organizations

5.3 Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Program Funding

Resolution No: 2024/233
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Daniel Laychuk
WHEREAS we have received the funding under the Mitigation and Preparedness program in the amount of $8,295.70;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize the expenditure of such funds towards the municipal portion of the Mafeking Creek Stabilization project;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT any cost overages for the project will be paid from the Ward Six budget.
For: 5 Against:

5.4 Mafeking Creek Stabilization

Resolution No: 2024/234
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
WHEREAS the Swan Lake Watershed District has approved a partnership agreement for a stabilization of the Mafeking Creek;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the partnership agreement as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 5 Against:

5.5 Rural Civic Addressing Sign Project

Resolution No: 2024/235
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
WHEREAS there was a significant misstatement with the quote from Fox Canada that was approved by Resolution No. 2024/197 on the June 12th, 2024 meeting;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve ATS Traffic for the purchase and installation of the Rural Civic Addressing project as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 5 Against:

5.6 Certificate of Judgement Order – Padley Property Cleanup

Resolution No: 2024/236
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
WHEREAS a judgement order was issued in favor of the Rural Municipality of Mountain for file Number SC24-14-00701 in the amount of $9,475.19;
AND WHEREAS it is anticipated that the defendant is not prepared to make payment;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby apply for application through the Court of Kings Bench to:
Garnish funds from the defendants financial institution
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 5 Against:

5.7 Cheque Cancellation

Resolution No: 2024/237
Moved By: Daniel Laychuk
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Number 20240688, issued at the June 26th, 2024 meeting be hereby cancelled.
For: 5 Against:

5.8 Accounts Payable

Resolution No: 2024/238
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Nos.20240720 to 20240801 be approved for payment in the amount of $57,531.23, including Council Indemnities in the amount of $5,646.37 as per By-Law 11/18 and Direct Deposit Payroll in the amount of $11,979.84 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’;
AND FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED THAT the direct payment amount of $8,763.05 for Receiver General for June 2024 be hereby approved.
For: 5 Against:

6. Personnel

6.1 In Camera

Resolution No: 2024/239
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Daniel Laychuk
WHEREAS Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act and Section 8.8 of the By-Law No. 01/16 authorize Council to close a meeting to the public to discuss certain matters;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain meet as a committee to discuss personnel.
For: 5 Against:

6.2 Out of In Camera

Resolution No: 2024/240
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Daniel Laychuk
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Meeting of the Committee of the Whole be adjourned, and that the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be re-opened to the public.
For: 5 Against:

6.3 Municipal Employee Emergency Sick Benefit

Resolution No: 2024/241
Moved By: Daniel Laychuk
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the Municipal Employee Emergency Sick Benefit for the Finance Officer to a maximum as stated within the employee policy manual.
For: 5 Against:

7. Ward Reports & Work Orders

Resolution No: 2024/242
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve Work Orders #43/2024 to #47/2024 attached hereto.
For: 5 Against:

8. Delegations/Petitions

9. Meeting Attendance and Reports

10. General Business

10.1 Birch River Mower

Resolution No: 2024/243
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
WHEREAS significant repairs are required to the new Bobcat mower that was purchased for Birch River;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby ship the mower back to Duron Equipment via Gardewine for replacement or reimbursement.
For: 5 Against:

10.2 Mutual Aid Agreement: Wording Clarification Required Prior to Approval

10.3 Birch River Tanker

Resolution No: 2024/244
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the cost estimate for the repairs to the Birch River 1995 Fort Garry Pumper from Forbchuk Ventures.
For: 5 Against:

10.4 Variation Order: Vanderwolf

Resolution No: 2024/245
Moved By: Daniel Laychuk
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
WHEREAS Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held a Public Hearing on July 10th, 2024 to hear the Zoning Variation Application #VAR01-2024 [Vanderwolf] for the property legally described as Lot 1, Block 6, Plan 767, Pine River, MB;
AND WHEREAS there were no objections, or all objections were heard and considered;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Zoning Variation Order #VAR01-2024 be approved as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 5 Against:

10.5 Application for Approach

Resolution No: 2024/246
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the application for approach under the Approach Policy on the Pt. Lot 4, Plan 751 (301781.000);
AND THAT the Municipality be responsible for 100% of all costs associated with the construction.
For: 5 Against:

10.6 Pine River Fuel Storage: Investigate Storage Options

10.7 Birch River Lutheran Church: Not Interested in Pursuing Transfer

10.8 Harapiak Bridge – Alternative Options: Investigate Bridge Costs

10.9 Birch River Water Distribution System Repairs: Investigate Repair of Hydrants vs. Replacement

10.10 RFQ Concrete Work – Ward Three Low Level Crossings

Resolution No: 2024/247
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Daniel Laychuk
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the attached invitational tender RFQ for Concrete Work upgrades to the Low Level Crossing on Road 121W.
For: 5 Against:

11. Communications

11.1 2024 Tax Sale

Resolution No: 2024/248
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
WHEREAS the 2024 Tax Sale will be held on October 30th, 2024;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby set the reserve bid for the 2024 Tax Sale as per Section 372 of the Municipal Act to tax arrears and costs;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the terms and conditions be set as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 5 Against:

11.2 Ag in the Classroom Donation

Resolution No: 2024/249
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Jarrett Mosiondz
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize a donation towards the Ag in the Classroom in the amount of $100.00.
For: 5 Against:

11.3 Historical Museum & Display

Resolution No: 2024/250
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize a donation towards the Remembering the Years Historical Museum & Display Committee in the amount of $50.00 from the Rural Municipality, and $50.00 from the LUD of Birch River.
For: 5 Against:

12. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2024/251
Moved By: Jarrett Mosiondz
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be adjourned to meet again on July 24th, 2024.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
For: 5 Against: