Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – September 3, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

September 3, 2024

Northwest Region
A week of mixed weather brought several thunderstorms to the region. Warm temperatures during the day, however nights cooled down along with heavy dews in the mornings. Reports of hail causing damage in some localized areas. The Amaranth station received the most accumulated precipitation at 17.9 mm.

Some crops remain lodged from previous high winds and will be a challenge for harvest and possibly affect quality with recent rains and heavy dew. Some post harvest field operations are being done as time allows.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are being harvested and are approximately 90% complete.

Field pea harvest is approximately 60% complete. Average yield so far is 60-65 bu/acre.

Spring wheat is underway and approximately 15% complete across the region.

Canola fields continue to advance towards maturity. Swathing and desiccation started last week on earliest maturing fields. Desiccation continues as stages are reached.

Soybean crops continue in R5-R6 stage and are looking good. Some of the most advanced soybeans are late R6.

Recent heat has helped and advanced the crops quickly. Recent rain will have helped pod fill.

Provincial Overview
Harvest continues in winter cereals, spring cereals, and peas. A limited number of canola fields have been harvested, mostly in the Central and Eastern regions. Yield reports range from 40-110 bu/acre for fall rye and winter wheat, 25-90 bu/acre in spring wheat, 80-180 bu/acre in oat, and 90-115 bu/acre in barley. Reported pea yields range from 30-65 bu/acre. Corn fields range from the R3 stage (milk) to the most advanced at R5 stage(dent). The earliest sunflowers have completed flowering and are in the R7 stage. Most flax is in the brown capsule stage, with the most advanced flax in the seed ripe stage. Soybeans range from the R5 (beginning seed)to R6 (full seed) stage.

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