Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – June 18, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

June 18, 2024

Northwest Region
A couple of days with warmer, dry weather allowed for some seeding and spraying operations to take place. Midweek overnight temperatures were cool, with Inglis station dipping to 0°C. Saturday brought hot temperatures to most of the region, but more heat is needed for crop growth. Sunday brought cooler temperatures along with intense, damaging winds. Fork River station recorded wind speeds of 101 km/hour. Seeding was able to take place in areas that dried up enough; however, there are still patches of fields that are too wet for seeding. Accumulated precipitation for the week has kept some areas saturated. There is evidence of moisture stress in some crops that are in standing water.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are advancing and headed out. Spring wheat seeding continued as possible, with approximately 95% seeded. Most of the spring wheat is tillering. In crop herbicide is occurring as stages are reached.

Field peas are in good condition.

Canola seeding is approximately 85 to 90% complete. Stages of canola are varied due to the challenges of seeding this spring. The most advanced canola is at rosette stage, while some canola is just emerging. Flea beetle activity has increased, and multiple applications of insecticide have been required in some cases. Some fields have needed to be reseeded due to flea beetle damage. Sunday’s intense wind was damaging to canola crops which may require reseeding.

Soybean crops continue to emerge and the most advanced soybeans are at VC, unifoliate stage. Some wind damage to soybean crops has been reported.

Provincial Overview
Despite the wet conditions, seeding progress was made throughout much of the province last week and is estimated to be 97% complete. Spring cereals, peas, and grain corn are approximately 98% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced, with 96% of canola acres and 97% of soybean acres planted. Seeding is completed in most areas, but additional acres are being planted in regions that have had excess moisture and some
reseeding is occurring. Herbicide applications are on-going, and some insecticide applications have been required for flea beetles. Hail and strong winds resulted in crop damage in some areas of the province.

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