Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – June 11, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

June 11, 2024

Northwest Region
Cool, cloudy and windy conditions for most of the week along with scattered showers. Warm temperatures would benefit established crops as well as dry out fields that are too wet. Seeding is continuing where possible, with some acres being seeded around potholes. Strong winds have been a challenge for herbicide application. There are some reports of poor germination and soil crusting. Evidence of moisture stress in some crops in standing water.

Winter wheat and fall rye have begun heading. Approximately 92% of spring wheat is seeded and the earliest seeded wheat is tillering. Some in-crop herbicide applications as appropriate stages are reached.

Canola seeding is ongoing. Canola is approximately 80-85% complete, with further progress in the Roblin and Swan River areas. Stages of canola are varied due to the challenges of seeding this spring. Most advanced canola is at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Flea beetle activity has increased and additional control has been required. There has been some reseeded canola due to damage.

Soybean crops continue to emerge and most advanced soybeans are in the unifoliate stage. Field pea seeding is complete and most fields have emerged.

Provincial Overview
Despite the wet conditions, seeding progress was made throughout much of the province last week and is estimated to be 92% complete. Spring cereals, peas, and grain corn are approximately 97% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced, with 88% of canola acres and 92% of soybean acres planted. Many of the unseeded acres are expected to be planted to canola. Herbicide applications are on-going, and growers continue to monitor fields for flea beetles.

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