Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – June 4, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

June 4, 2024

Northwest Region
A mix of sunshine, rain and strong winds this week. Some seeding progress was made, but some areas were once again held up by rain. Full activity resumed midweek only to be interrupted by rain again across the region on Thursday. Warmer temperatures and very strong winds allowed progress to resume on the weekend. The entire Northwest region has received over 100% of normal rainfall to date, with some areas receiving over 200% of normal rainfall. Crops are still requiring heat to get a jump on growth. Some standing water in low areas of fields, with some fields being slow to germinate with the cool, wet conditions. Soil crusting has also been noted as an issue in some fields.

Field pea seeding is complete. Most fields have emerged, and earliest seeded fields are V2-V3 stage.

Spring wheat seeding is 90% complete. Earliest seeded wheat is approaching tillering stage and looks good.

Canola seeding was able to progress across some of the region in between rains. Progress is approximately 75% complete, with further progress in Roblin and Swan River areas. Earliest seeded canola is cotyledon to two true leaves.

Soybean seeding is complete, and the earliest seeded fields have started to emerge.

Winter wheat and Fall rye crops are growing nicely.

Provincial Overview
Despite the wet conditions, seeding progress was made throughout much of the province last week and is now estimated to be 83% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced, with 71% of canola acres planted and 82% of soybean acres planted. Spring cereals are estimated to be 87 to 94% complete, peas are 97% complete, grain corn is 95% complete. Planting order has been changed on some farms, and fields are getting planted as
soil conditions permit.

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