Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – May 28, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

May 28, 2024

Northwest Region

Frequent rains and cooler weather made for a slower week of progress. Unsettled weather Friday brought precipitation in forms of rain/snow. Swan River and The Pas precipitation was mainly rain, while the rest of the region experienced snow. Accumulated rainfall from the week has left some areas with standing water in fields.

Highest accumulated amounts of precipitation were in the McCreary and Amaranth regions with 66 mm. Lowest precipitation amounts for this week was The Pas with 6 mm. Some hail was reported in the Roblin area. The recent precipitation has caused excess moisture concerns in the Dauphin/Ste. Rose/Grandview areas. Warm, dry conditions are needed as there are seeded and unseeded fields with surplus moisture.

Plant growth in recently emerged crops has been slow due to cool temperatures. Weed and volunteer growth is slower as well. Herbicide applications will be a challenge in areas due to saturated field conditions. Overall seeding progress across the region is at 56% compete.

Field pea seeding has pretty much wrapped up with progress approximately 99% complete. Earliest seeded field peas are beginning V2 stage. Later seeded field peas are emerging.

Spring wheat seeding is 80-85% complete. Earliest seeded wheat is emerged and growing nicely.

Canola seeding progress is slower this week and is at 30% complete. Some of the earliest seeded canola has emerged and is at cotyledon stage. Soybean seeding progress is at 35% complete. Winter wheat and fall rye crops are growing nicely, however there was some reseeding due to winterkill.

Provincial Overview

Seeding progress has been observed in many areas of the province this past week and is now at 64% complete.

Producers have focused on planting corn (80% complete), spring wheat (87% complete) barley (79% complete) and peas (96% complete). Canola planting continues with 41% of the acres planted. Soybean planting is at 55% completion. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions.

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