Town of Swan River Special Meeting – April 23, 2024

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:00pm in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor Jacobson presiding along with Deputy Mayor Moriaux and Councillors Bobick, Boychuk, Medwid, Powell, and Whyte.

Absent with Permission:

Also Present: CAO D. Poole, CFO Gnida, Director Clouson, Director Harvey

1. Meeting Called To Order

Mayor Jacobson called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: SP2024-0174
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that the agenda for the April 23, 2024 special meeting of Council be adopted.

3. General Business

Deputy Mayor Moriaux: motion to suspend the rules of debate.
Councillor Bobick: Seconded

Deputy Mayor Moriaux: Motion to make friendly amendment to resolution.
Mover & Seconder were agreeable.
Amended as a Friendly Amendment.

Councillor Bobick: Motion for a friendly amendment – Add whereas statement Mover & Seconder were agreeable.
Amended as a Friendly Amendment.

3.1 Arena Project

Resolution No: SP2024-0175
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
WHEREAS the Town of Swan River and the Swan Valley Legacy Committee have committed $10,000 each toward the Conceptual Drawings of the Arena Project,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Town of Swan River engage their administration to commence the hiring of a Project Manger to coordinate approved work in regard to the Arena Project, on the condition of a signed agreement, and to obtain conceptual drawings to present to the public to determine the future of the project.

3.2 Province of Manitoba – Safety Summit

Resolution No: SP2024-0176
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that CAO Derek Poole and Deputy Mayor Moriaux be authorized to attend the April 30, 2024 Premier’s Safety Summit being held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

4. Adjournment

Resolution No: SP2024-0177
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that this special meeting of Council now adjourn at 8:47pm.