Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – May 21, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

May 21, 2024

Northwest Region
Mixed weather this week brought slower progress across the region. Scattered showers were enough to stop some seeding however access to some fields was still possible. There were some reports of hail in localized areas, along with precipitation. Highest accumulated precipitation amounts were in Reedy Creek and The Pas with 67 and 59mm, respectively. Weeds and volunteers continue to actively grow. Herbicide applications are ongoing with good spray conditions.

Overall seeding progress in the region is about 40-45% complete. Field pea seeding continues with progress approximately 90% complete. Earliest seeded field peas are emerging.

Spring wheat seeding continues and is approximately 75% complete. Earliest seeded wheat has emerged and is growing nicely. Barley and oat seeding is approximately 30% complete. Canola seeding is 25% and soybean is 15% complete. Winter wheat and fall rye crops are growing nicely, with a small amount of winterkill.

Provincial Overview
Seeding progress has been observed in many areas of the province this past week and is now at 47% complete.

Producers have focused on planting corn (65% complete), cereals (70% complete) and peas (90% complete).

Canola planting has just started with 20% of the acres planted. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions. Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such as soybeans has begun. Soybean planting is at 34% completion. The Interlake region is behind other regions due to recent rains and sits at 30% complete.

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