Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – May 14, 2024

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report

May 14, 2024

Northwest Region
Precipitation in parts of the Northwest region at the start the week were followed by warm temperatures and high winds to help dry fields. The weather allowed for field preparation, fertilizing, and seeding. Weeds and volunteers are actively growing, however pre-seed herbicide applications were a challenge due to high winds.

Wildfires sparked in the far north have created smoky conditions in The Pas. Moisture is adequate, however there are fields that are holding water and need good drying conditions.

Field pea seeding continues with progress at 65-70% complete, with Roblin/Swan River being more advanced. Earliest seeded field peas have germinated and are just beginning to emerge.

Spring wheat seeding progressed nicely across the region. Progress varies with some operations completed while others are just starting. Overall progress is approximately 65% complete. Earliest seeded wheat has emerged.

Canola seeding has begun across the region except for The Pas. Soybean seeding is underway in the Swan River and Dauphin area.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are looking good, with a small amount of winterkill.

Provincial Overview
Rapid seeding progressed across the province this past week and is now at 30% complete. Producers have focused on planting corn (60% complete), cereals (58% complete) and peas (72% complete). Canola planting has just started with 6% of the acres being planted. Producers are planting a variety of crops based on soil and weather conditions. Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such
as soybeans has begun. Soybean planting is at 15% completion.

Weeds are quickly appearing in fields including kochia, volunteer canola and wheat, flixweed, fleabane, foxtail barley, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, thistles, and dandelions. Growers are encouraged to scout and use burn-off products to control weeds and use PRE-emergent products with residual control.

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