Town of Swan River Minutes – April 2, 2024

The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor Jacobson presiding along with Deputy Mayor Moriaux and Councillors Bobick, Boychuk, Medwid, Powell and Whyte.

Absent with Permission: CAO D. Poole

Also Present:
CFO T. Gnida, Public Works Dir. Harvey, Rec Dir. E. Clouson, EA U. Waldner

Media: Jeremy Bergen, Star and Times

1. Call meeting to order

Mayor Jacobson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Resolution No: 2024-0124
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that the agenda for the April 2, 2024 regular meeting of Council be adopted.

3. Confirmation of the minutes

Resolution No: 2024-0125
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED the minutes of the March 19, 2024 regular council meeting and the March 26, 2024 Special Meeting be approved.

4. Reception of Delegations and Hearings

4.1 Open Public Hearing – By-law 11/2023 Accommodation Tax

Resolution No: 2024-0126
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED that the public hearing on By-law 11/2023 for the establishment of an Accommodation Tax be opened.

4.2 Close Public Hearing for By-Law 11/2023

Resolution No: 2024-0127
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the public hearing be adjourned and the regular meeting be re-opened.

5. Reception of Petitions

6. Communications

6.1 Letter from Municipal and Northern Relations re MEDIP

Resolution No: 2024-0128
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Tracy Boychuk
RESOLVED that the letter from the Minister of Municipal and Northern Relations dated March 20, 2024 regarding approval of Municipal Economic Development Infrastructure Program funding be received.

6.2 Memo from AMM General Insurance Program

Resolution No: 2024-0129
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Tracy Boychuk
RESOLVED that the memo dated March 27, 2024 from Association of Manitoba Municipalities General Insurance Program regarding renewal be received.

6.3 Letter from Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Resolution No: 2024-0130
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that the letter from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change dated March 21, 2024 regarding Waste Reduction and Recycling Program be received.

6.4 Letter from Municipal and Northern Relations re MDTP

Resolution No: 2024-0131
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that the letter from the Minister of Municipal and Northern Relations dated March 25, 2024 regarding Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program – 2023 Final Operating Grant be received.

7. Reports

7.1 Director of Public Works Report

Resolution No: 2024-0132
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED the Director of Public Works report be received.

7.2 Other Reports

7.3 Council and CAO Reports

8. New Business

8.1 Legion Park Washroom Facilities Level of Service Modification

Resolution No: 2024-0133
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
WHEREAS at the Legion Park washroom facilities there have been increases in vandalism, the presence of biohazards, and overall challenges in keeping the washroom facilities to an acceptable standard of cleanliness;
AND WHEREAS the Legion Park washroom facilities at current operational service level poses a health and security risk to staff and the public.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legion Park washroom facilities remain closed to the public and available as part of the Legion Park concession rental ball diamond/games renters and baseball coaches.

8.2 Fee Schedule – Amendment – Creation of Fines Tab

Resolution No: 2024-0134
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED the Amended 2024 Fee Schedule with the removal of the Animal Control Schedule and the addition of the Fines Schedule be received and approved.

8.3 FoodCycler Municipal Food Waste Diversion Pilot Program

Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Don Bobick
WHEREAS municipalities recognize the importance of eliminating solid waste from entering our Solid Waste Landfill Sites; and
WHEREAS it is estimated that in Manitoba 40% of waste is organic waste; and
WHEREAS in 2012, it was estimated that the national average of organic waste diversion was 72 kilograms per person, but the Manitoba average of organic waste diversion was only 20 kilograms per person per year; and
WHEREAS the Province of Manitoba recognized the importance of organic waste diversion and set a goal, increasing the diversion rate to 100,000 tonnes or approximately 82 kilograms per person per year; and
WHEREAS in 2023, the Town of Swan River’s strategic plan recognizes the need to provide sustainable and reliable services with a focus on waste reduction actions and incentives; and
WHEREAS the Town of Swan River recognizes the importance of implementing more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable solutions for solid waste reduction and diversion using cost effective options and technologies; and
WHEREAS the Town of Swan River’s Strategic Plan recognizes success indicators being measured by providing compost containers to residents and by advocating for, promoting, and leading by example on environmentally friendly products and procedures to reduce solid waste from entering our Solid Waste Landfill Sites and our carbon footprint;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River participate in Food Cycle Science Corporation’s FOODCYCLER Municipal Food Waste Diversion Pilot Program, committing to the recommended 100 households; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River commit $12,000 plus applicable taxes to the Environmental Health Services operating fund for the 2024 budget to participate in the FOODCYCLER Municipal Food Waste Diversion Pilot Program.
Don Bobick – no
Tracy Boychuk – no
Lance Jacobson – no
Corinna Medwid – yes
David Moriaux – no
Tanya Powell – yes
Duane Whyte – no

9. Unfinished Business

10. Accounts

10.1 To approve accounts

Resolution No: 2024-0135
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Account Cheques No. 31401 to No. 31427 totaling $82,145.34 as listed on Schedule A.
2. Payroll Account Cheques No. 5430 to No. 5434 totaling $114,478.39 as listed on Schedule B.
3. Direct Deposit Payments totaling $785.00 as listed on Schedule C.
4. Direct Deposit Payments totaling $14,462.35 as listed on Schedule D.

10.2 To set reserve bid for tax sale auction

Resolution No: 2024-0136
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
WHEREAS Section 365(2) of The Municipal Act provides that Council may in any year designate the immediately preceding year, or any earlier year, as the year for which properties, the taxes in respect of which are in arrears for the year, must be offered for sale by auction to recover the tax arrears and costs;
AND WHEREAS Section 372 of The Municipal Act provides that a municipality may set any terms or conditions for the sale of a property to be sold for taxes, and may set a reserve bid in the amount of the tax arrears and costs in respect of the property;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Swan River place a reserve bid on each property included in the 2024 Tax Sale in the amount of tax arrears and costs owing in respect of the property.

11. By-Laws

11.1 Second Reading – Bylaw 1/2024 – Structure Standard

Resolution No: 2024-0137
Moved By: Tracy Boychuk
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 01/2024 being a By-Law of the Town of Swan River to establish a Structure Standard be read a second time.

11.2 Third Reading – Bylaw 2/2024 – Enforcement Bylaw

Resolution No: 2024-0138
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Tanya Powell
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 02/2024 being a By-Law of the Town of Swan River to provide for an Administrative Penalty scheme for parking and general by-law enforcement be read a third time and passed.
Don Bobick – yes
Tracy Boychuk – yes
Lance Jacobson – yes
Corinna Medwid – yes
David Moriaux – yes
Tanya Powell – yes
Duane Whyte – yes

11.3 Second Reading – Bylaw 4/2024 – Amendment to Various By-laws

Resolution No: 2024-0139
Moved By: Tanya Powell
Seconded By: Corinna Medwid
RESOLVED that By-Law No. 4/2024 being a By-Law of the Town of Swan River to amend By-Law 13/2019 Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling Systems; By-Law 13/2016 Prohibit Graffiti, By-Law 21/2022 Animal Control, By-Law 10/2012 Noise Control, By-Law 20/2022 Business Licence, and By-Law 01/2016 Rental Safety Standards to designate that by-law contraventions in them be dealt with by a penalty notice and, where applicable, to add that fines may be added to taxes be read a second time.

12. Notice of Motion

13. In Camera

Resolution No: 2024-0140
Moved By: Corinna Medwid
Seconded By: Don Bobick
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public.

14. Out of Camera

Resolution No: 2024-0141
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Tracy Boychuk
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.

15. Items Arising out of Camera

16. Member Privilege

17. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2024-0142
Moved By: Don Bobick
Seconded By: Tracy Boychuk
RESOLVED that this regular meeting of Council now adjourn at 8:59 pm.