Swan Valley School Division Minutes – September 11, 2023

Swan Valley
School Division

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on September 11, 2023, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

Board Chair: Treaty and Land Acknowledgement
We are gathered here this evening to meet as Swan Valley School Division (SVSD) School Board on land that is the Traditional Territory of The Cree, The Saulteaux, The Dakota Nations, and the Homeland of the Metis people. For thousands of years, these First Peoples of this place, lived here on Turtle Island, honouring the Creator and living with respect for the Creation. We respect this and we accept the responsibility we have to nurture and protect this legacy, seeking to live in right relations, bound together by Treaty 4. We are all Treaty people!

The following were present:
K. Highmoor
A. Fuchs
D. Burghart
T. Mendel
G. Wowchuk
V. Zastre
V. Rooks

Superintendent: C. Mateika
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch

The Secretary-Treasurer invited Board Chair, Highmoor to give the Treaty and Land Acknowledgement. The meeting was called to order by the Secretary-Treasurer who in accordance with the Public Schools’ Act facilitated the Election of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair.

Election of Board Chair – Three Calls for Nominations
G. Wowchuk nominated K. Highmoor
V. Rooks and T. Mendel moved that nominations cease
K. Highmoor elected as Board Chair

Election of Board Vice-Chair – Three Calls for Nominations
T. Mendel nominated G. Wowchuk
Z. Zastre and A. Fuchs moved that nominations cease
G. Wowchuk elected as Board Vice-Chair

Board Minutes – September 11, 2023

Update Trustee Conflict of Interest
Trustees were reminded to update, if applicable, their Declaration of Conflict of Interest.

Board Committees/Representatives
Trustees provided input to the Chair and Vice-Chair regarding the setting of the 2023/24 Board Committees and Representatives.

Additions to the Agenda:
By Board consensus, the following additions to the Agenda were approved:
8.2.8 Bowsman School Unit Ventilator Replacement Progress Billing No. 1


R1 T. Mendel, V. Rooks:
THAT as per Item 1.4, a by-law of The Swan Valley School Division to appoint a Board Chair and Vice-Chair and Trustee Indemnities and Expenses be introduced to the Board and read a first time, that the rules of procedure be waived and that it be taken as read a second and third time, be now finally passed, signed by the Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer and numbered 4/2023 and the seal of the School Division affixed thereto. CARRIED

R2 A. Fuchs, V. Zastre:
THAT the Minutes of the regular board meeting of August 28, 2023, be adopted.

R3 D. Burghart, V. Zastre:
THAT as per item 8.2, the Report on Capital Disbursements be received, and the invoices outlined be approved/ratified for payment.

R4 G. Wowchuk, D. Burghart:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R5 T. Mendel, V. Rooks:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R6 G. Wowchuk, V. Zastre:
THAT the Staffing Report of the Superintendent/CEO, 7.2 and 16.2.1, be ratified.

R7 A. Fuchs, V. Rooks:
THAT the Personnel Report, 16.2.2, be received, and the recommendation, as outlined, be approved.

R8 D. Burghart, G. Wowchuk:
THAT the Personnel Report, 16.2.5, be received, and the request for unpaid leave as outlined be approved.

R9 T. Mendel, V. Rooks:
THAT the Personnel Report, 16.2.6, be received, and the recommendation of the Superintendent/CEO to accept the resignation as outlined, be approved without prejudice or precedent.

R10 A. Fuchs, T. Mendel:
THAT as per Report, 16.4, the Contribution Agreement re: Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund, be received, and Senior Admin be authorized to execute the contract.

R11 T. Mendel, V. Rooks:
THAT we do now adjourn at 9:51 p.m.