Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – May 23, 2023

Manitoba Agriculture
Crop Report
May 23, 2023

Northwest Region
It was a week of mixed temperatures and little to no moisture across the region. Some areas received a light frost mid-week when temperatures dropped. A few sporadic showers were reported but not of any significance to slow seeding progress. While the eastern side of the Northwest region is sitting at adequate soil moisture, the north and west parts of the region are moving into drier conditions and rain would be welcomed.

Spring wheat across the region sits at approximately 90% complete with approximately 40% of the spring wheat having emerged. Field peas are sitting at 95% complete, with good emergence on most fields. Approximately 60% of soybeans are seeded across the region. Canola seeding is approximately 40% complete in the Dauphin/Roblin area and more advanced in Swan River and The Pas areas with approximately 65-70% complete.

Provincial Overview

Seeding progress across the province is moving at a rapid pace with the recent warm weather. Producers are finishing up planting with 80-95% of spring cereals, 70% of corn, 47% of soybeans, and 40% of canola planted.

Good emergence is being reported on spring cereals and field peas with the recent warm weather. Winter cereals continued tillering and remained in good to excellent condition with very little winterkill. Fertilizer applications are complete and herbicide applications are ongoing but expected to be completed soon.

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