Minitonas & District Arena Board Applauds Volunteers

Submitted by: Minitonas and District Arena Board

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the HEART!
– Elizabeth Andrew

The Minitonas & District Arena board members would like to take a moment to say THANK YOU!

Thank you so much for the immeasurable volunteer work of three men from Minitonas. We have not thanked you properly and want to let you know that your dedication is essential to making the arena a better place. The positive feedback we have been hearing in regards to the numerous project that have been done is beyond words.

Henry Barkowski, Merle Gerbrandt and Merv Leslie are the three men who have volunteered over 600 hours to the arena this past year.

Henry Barkowski is an active board member and he has been one of the driving forces in getting the arena various grants for many of the projects.For example, the installation of the automatic doors, installation of the protective flooring mats around the arena, the sidewalk and landscaping in front of the arena, the new sound booth and walking ramps around the arena as well as painting and many other projects. These project have been done not only to beautify the arena both inside and out but as well as making the arena a better place for persons with special needs.

There has been countless other volunteers with not only their time but with donations of rock, paint and lumber just to name a few. Without these volunteers the Minitonas & District Arena would not be what it is today. If you happen to see any of these three men, please take a moment to shake their hand and say THANK YOU to them for having such big hearts and caring about a place…a destination…a legacy, The MINITONAS & DISTRICT ARENA….The “COLDEST arena in the valley but with the “FASTEST” ice!