Friendly Faces at Cowan Take-Out Fall Supper

Submitted by: Rose Kovachik

Like the prior year, it was a quiet Fall Supper for the Cowan Community Ladies on Sunday, October 3, 2021. After another long hiatus of no functions at the Community Centre due to Covid-19, the Cowan Ladies decided to once again try to bring some normalcy back by having a Covid friendly Fall Supper. During the planning stages, with the uncertainty of what restrictions would be and what changes could occur in our region, it was once again decided that the best option for the safety of everyone was a take out/pick up event.

Therefore, to venture away from the prepackaged take-out option that the 2020 Fall Supper entailed, a different system was employed. Customers were given a time for their pickup which allowed an opportunity to limit the amount of people that would be around the hall at one time and allow for social distancing. Upon arrival, patrons were greeted by a few community members who would direct them to a short line to await their supper options. This was a variance from the prior year, as patrons were allowed to make their own specific selections. A small group of ladies would serve the requested food items which included choices like perogies, cabbage rolls, turkey with the fixings, and more. Along with that came a salad, bun and of course dessert.

It was very quiet again with no chatter amongst a crowd like before, when neighbors and acquaintances would catchup on the latest happenings. However, there were still many friendly and familiar faces (even if they were behind a mask).

We wish to thank all who helped support our community and hope you did have a chance to eat your supper while it was still warm.
Thank you and see you again soon.