Swan Valley School Division Minutes – June 28, 2021

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
June 28, 2021

Submitted by:
Jon Zilkey,

1. The Board discussed SVRSS Graduation that was held on June 25, 2021. The Board wished all graduates the best of luck in their future. The Board also wanted to acknowledge the incredible work done by the SVRSS staff in pulling off a fantastic graduation ceremony given the restrictions. Well done everybody!

2. The Board examined correspondences by the department on potential plans for school return in the fall. Nothing is set in stone and similar to last year an update will come in August from the province. While the province is indicating they are hoping for a return to some normal in the fall they have also told school divisions to plan for a yellow scenario (and others) which was what we were looking at last September and adjust as needed. More information will go to parents in August.

3. The Board discussed Covid and the recent cases at Heyes School, Ecole Swan River South School, and the funding aspect of Covid this past year.

4. The Board discussed the on line survey that was sent to the public on Bill 64. The Board will have further plans in the fall to continue to get information to stakeholders.

5. The Board discussed more future partnerships they are looking at with UCN.

6. The Board discussed their own Board Evaluation and the next steps in examining how they are doing. They will do a comprehensive examination of this at their fall workshop.

7. With this the last official Board Meeting before summer break, I just wanted to say thank you to the Board, all staff, parents, students and the community. Swan Valley has been a very good place to work and I wish you well in the future.

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on June 28, 2021 commencing at 7:00 p.m. (unapproved)

The following were present:
Chair: G. Wowchuk
Vice-Chair: W. Schaffer
D. Burghart
L. Evans
K. Highmoor
K. Riehl
V. Rooks
Superintendent: J. Zilkey
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch

R1 K. Highmoor, L. Evans:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 2021, be adopted.

V. Rooks, W. Schaffer:
THAT as per Item 8.2, the Update on Capital Projects be received, and consultation of the Chair and Vice-Chair as outlined, be ratified.

R3 V. Rooks, W. Schaffer:
THAT as per the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 8.3, general cheques numbering 56819 to 56866 and 2699 to 2701, transfers (bank fees) and EFT’s, which includes general and payroll in the amount of $1,953,596.64 for the month ending May 31, 2021, be approved for payment.

R4 L. Evans, K. Highmoor:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

R5 K. Highmoor, K. Riehl:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R6 K. Riehl, D. Burghart: THAT the Staff Reports of the Superintendent/CEO, 7.2 and 16.2.1, be ratified.

R7 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT Item 16.2.2 re: vacation days be received, and the direction as outlined by the Board, be ratified.

R8 W. Schaffer, Donna Burghart:
THAT Report 16.4.5 on the UCN SVSD MOU Hairstyling be received and Senior Administration be authorized to sign.

R9 W. Schaffer, V. Rooks:
THAT we do now adjourn at 9:31 p.m.