Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – September 15, 2020

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture
September 15, 2020 |

Northwest Region

A cool start to the week followed by warm dry conditions allowed for good harvest progress in the Northwest Region. While overnight temperatures dipped below zero, resulting in heavy morning dew, daytime temperatures reached 25○C. There were strong winds over the weekend that helped with drying down the crop. Rain was limited to scattered intermittent showers that did not result in significant precipitation. The effects of frost last weekend were patchy with some areas impacted more than others; the soybeans were the most affected.

Cereals are generally ripe and ready for harvest when moisture and weather permit. Approximately 75% of spring cereals are harvested. Spring wheat harvest is nearly complete around Roblin, approximately 70% complete around Swan River and 40 to 50% at The Pas. Reported spring wheat yields range from 90 bu/ac down to 60 bu/acre. Upwards of 80% of the barley is harvested around Swan River. Swathing of oats is underway with 50% harvested around Swan River and the remainder requiring further ripening before combining can take place.

The canola is drying well, roughly 30% of the crop is harvested at Roblin, and 10% combined at Swan River. About 30% of the canola crop is still in the swath, 40 to 60% is standing and close to ready for straight combining. The staginess through the growing season has affected canola quality and yields, which range from 40 to 60 bu/acre.

Field pea harvest is complete in the region and the straw is baled. Fieldwork on harvested fields is well underway. Soybeans were frost-damaged last weekend. For locally appropriate varieties, the plants are drying down, with most leaves withered and dropped off; pods are drying. All soybean and lentil crops remain standing.

Baling of cereal straw is on going with the good harvest progress made this week. Second cut alfalfa hay can be safely harvested in areas that have received a killing frost. Late seeded greenfeed crops are being cut and nitrate analysis should be completed if frost has occurred. Corn silage harvest has not begun and moisture tests should be completed on frosted corn to determine the correct stage and moisture to harvest. Pasture growth has slowed and over all pastures are in fair-good condition. Livestock water supply is adequate.