RM of Mountain Minutes – January 8, 2020

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 in the R.M. of Mountain Council Chambers in Birch River, Manitoba.

Members Present:
Reeve: Robert Hanson
Councillors: Wilmer Malcolm, Steve Nadolney, Nestor Rizok, Connie Forbes, Arnie Pedersen and Brad Wyatt.
CAO Paige Larocque was present and acted as secretary.
Finance Officer Kim Paterson was also present.

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Reeve Robert Hanson, quorum being present.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: 2020/001
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the January 8th, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
For: 6 Against:

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Resolution No: 2020/002
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held December 20th, 2019 be adopted as presented, all requirements having been complied with.
For: 6 Against:

4. By-Laws & Policies

4.1 Strategic Planning Discussion: Transportation & Public Utilities

4.2 Outstanding Building Permits

Resolution No: 2020/003
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following unpaid building permit fees be added to the corresponding tax roll as follows:
Roll #90400.000 $840.00
For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 1

4.3 Watershed District Participation

Resolution No: 2020/004
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 01/2020, being a By-Law to provide for the RM of Mountain to particiate in the Inter-Mountain and Swan Lake Watershed Conservation Districts, be given first reading.
For: 6 Against:

5. Financial

5.1 Financial Statements: No Statements to Review

5.2 2020 Recreation Commission Payments

Resolution No: 2020/005
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2019 Cheque No. 20190646 for the Mafeking Recreation Commission be hereby cancelled.
For: 6 Against:

5.3 Mafeking Heritage Site Grant

Resolution No: 2020/006
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby make application to Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage for a grant under the Heritage Resources Conservation Grant program for an amount of up to: $6,665.00 for the purpose of restoring the exterior of the Mafeking Heritage Site;
AND THAT we, the Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain recognize the full financial implications from development of the project and acknowledge that the provincial government will not be responsible for any further financial assistance other than the grant applied for;
AND THAT we, the Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain guarantee that there are adequate funds available to complete the project and to continue to operate the facility.
For: 6 Against:

5.4 2020 Membership Payments

Resolution No: 2020/007
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the RM of Mountain hereby approve the 2020 membership payments as follows:
Manitoba Crime Stoppers: $146.70
Hudson Bay Route Association: $300.00
Manitoba Good Roads Association: $200.00
Manitoba Municipal Administrators Association: $550.00
Northern Woods & Waterway Association: $500.00
For: 6 Against:

5.5 Fire Department Purchases

Resolution No: 2020/008
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
WHEREAS Fire Department Policy states that all purchases of the Fire Department must be authorized by Council in advance;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain approve the payment for the Mountain North and South Year End Appreciation Suppers.
For: 6 Against:

5.6 Accounts Payable

Resolution No: 2020/009
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Nos 20200001 to 20200055 be approved for payment in the amount of $188,349.35,including Direct Deposit Payroll in the amount of $5,709.24 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’;
AND FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED THAT the direct payment amount of $8,719.11 for Receiver General for December 31, 2019 be hereby approved.
For: 6 Against:

6. Personnel

Councillor Nadolney joined the meeting.

6.1 Workplace, Safety and Health Committee: Committee Composition Remain the Same

7. Ward Reports & Work Orders

Resolution No: 2020/010
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve work orders #01/2020 to #06/2020 attached hereto.
For: 7 Against:

8. Delegations/Petitions

9. Meeting Attendance and Reports

9.1 January Meeting Date Change

Resolution No: 2020/011
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby change the January 22nd, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council to January 21st, 2020.
For: 7 Against:

9.2 SV RISE Meeting

Resolution No: 2020/012
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Reeve and Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be hereby authorized to attend the joint council meeting to be held January 2020 in Minitonas, MB;
AND THAT expenses be allowed for same.
For: 7 Against:

9.3 SV School Division Strategic Planning Session

Resolution No: 2020/013
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Reeve Robert Hanson of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be hereby authorized to attend the Swan Valley School Division Strategic Planning Session to be held April 20, 2020 in Swan River, MB;
AND THAT expenses be allowed for same.
For: 7 Against:

10. General Business

10.1 Birch River Water Plant Upgrades: Review

10.2 Request to Lease SE 14-32-21W

Resolution No: 2020/014
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby enter into a Lease Agreement and Crown Land/LGD Vested Land Purchase Offer Agreement for the following parcles; Terms and Conditions as attached hereto in Schedule ‘A’:
SE 14-32-21W
AND THAT the Reeve and CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the Municipality.
For: 7 Against:

10.3 2020 Land Sale: Advertise 10 Parcels

10.4 IMCD Citizen Representative: For Garland/Point Subdistrict

11. Communications

11.1 Application for Subdivision – NE 21-35-23W

Resolution No: 2020/015
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve Subdivision No. 4617-19-7549 in the NE of 21-35-23WPM [Wowchuk];
With the following conditions:
Overdue taxes, if any, are required to be paid as a condition of final approval;
For: 7 Against:

11.2 SV Vet Board: Advertisement for Secretary

11.3 Advertising Request: National Wall of Rememberance

Resolution No: 2020/016
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize the expenditure towards advertising in the National Wall of Rememberance Project in the amount of $200.00.
For: 7 Against:

11.4 Animal Control Report: Reviewed Fines

12. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2020/017
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be adjourned to meet again on January 21st, 2020.
Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
For: 7 Against: