RM of Mountain Minutes – July 24, 2019

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held Webnesday, July 24th, 2019 in the R.M. of Mountain Council Chabers in Birch River, Manitoba.

Members Present:
Reeve: Robert Hanson

Councillors: Wilmer Malcolm, Nestor Rizok, Connie Forbes, and Arnie Pedersen.
Councillor Nadolney and Wyatt were absent with notice.
CAO Paige Larocque was present and acted as secretary.
Finance Officer Kim Paterson was also present.

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Reeve Robert Hanson, quorum being present.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: 2019/292
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the July 24th, 2019 Regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
For: 4 Against:

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Resolution No: 2019/293
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 10th, 2019 be adopted as presented, all requirements having been complied with.
For: 4 Against:

4. By-Laws & Policies

4.1 Strategic Plan Discussion: Tabled
Councillor Malcolm joined the meeting.

4.2 Road Allowance By-Law

Resolution No: 2019/294
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 11/19, being a By-Law to govern the uses of road allowances within the Rural Municipality of Mountain, be given second reading.
For: 5 Against:

4.3 Road Allowance By-Law

Resolution No: 2019/295
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 11/19, being a By-Law to govern the uses of road allowances within the Rural Municipality of Mountain, be given third and final reading.
Connie Forbes – Yes
Robert Hanson – Yes
Wilmer Malcolm – Yes
Arnie Pedersen – Yes
Nestor Rizok – Yes

4.4 Dust Control Policy: Tabled

5. Financial

5.1 Financial Statements: Presented Revenue & Expense Report to July 31, 2019

5.2 Birch River Pool Grant: $5,105.00 Building Sustainable Communities Grant

5.3 2019 Double Gas Tax: Reviewed Gas Tax Balances

5.4 Reserve Transfer: Office Equipment

Resolution No: 2019/296
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the transfer from the General Reserve Fund in the amount of $21,034.92 for new office server.
For: 5 Against:

5.5 ICIP Funding – Birch River Water Plant Upgrades

Resolution No: 2019/297
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby submit the project titled: Birch River Water Treatment Plant Upgrades [Priority One] for grant funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Green Infrastructure Stream: Environmental Quality;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the RM of Mountain hereby support the project and commits to provide its share $172, 419.42 towards the project;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to submit such a project on behalf of the RM of Mountain.
For: 5 Against:

5.6 ICIP Funding – North Duck River Bridge

Resolution No: 2019/298
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby submit the project titled: North Duck River Bridge [Priority 2] for grant funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream;
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the RM of Mountain hereby support the project and commits to provide its share $32,275.46 towards the project;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to submit such a project on behalf of the RM of Mountain.
For: 5 Against:

5.7 ICIP Funding: Obtain Price Estimates for Other Projects

5.8 Taxes Added

Resolution No: 2019/299
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby add the following taxes to the applicable Tax Roll:
Roll # 2800 $112.59
Roll # 3000 $112.59
Roll #14800 $112.59
Roll #14900 $112.59
Roll #15000 $112.59
Roll #15100 $112.59
Roll #15600 $115.30
Roll #17600 $203.25
Roll #17800 $206.78
Roll #23700 $109.63
Roll #24050 $520.73
For: 5 Against:

5.9 Taxes Cancelled

Resolution No: 2019/300
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby cancel the following taxes on the applicable Tax Roll:
Roll #24000 $448.74
Roll #97000 $228.96
For: 5 Against:

5.10 Accounts Receivable

Resolution No: 2019/301
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the unpaid accounts receivable accounts, as follows, be added to the real property tax account of each account holder.
Roll # 64900.000 $103.80
Roll # 113500.000 $155.70
For: 5 Against:

Councillor Forbes declared an interest and left the meeting for Resolution No. 2019/302.

5.11 Accounts Payable

Resolution No: 2019/302
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Nos.20190824 to 20190899 be approved for payment in the amount of $110,109.25, including Council Indemnities in the amount of $693.41 as per By-Law 03/16 and Direct Deposit Payroll in the amount of $4,633.04 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’.
For: 4 Against:

Councillor Forbes returned to the meeting.

6. Personnel

6.1 In Camera

Resolution No: 2019/303
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
WHEREAS Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act and Section 8.8 of the By-Law No. 01/16 authorize Council to close a meeting to the public to discuss certain matters;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain meet as a committee to discuss personnel.
For: 5 Against:

6.2 Out of In Camera

Resolution No: 2019/304
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the meeting of the committee of the whole be adjourned, and that the regular meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be re-opened to the public.
For: 5 Against:

6.3 Mafeking Public Works

Resolution No: 2019/305
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Moutnain hereby hire Myrna Tucker as Mafeking Casual Public Works;
AND THAT wages and terms of employment be as stated in Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 5 Against:

6.4 RM of Mountain Cleaning Contract

Resolution No: 2019/306
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby enter into a contract with Joan Mosiondz for Custodial Duties at the RM of Mountain office as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT the Reeve and CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the municipality.
For: 5 Against:

Councillor Malcolm left the meeting.

7. WARD REPORTS & Work Orders

Resolution No: 2019/307
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve work orders #93/19 to #97/19 attached hereto.
For: 4 Against:

8. Delegations/Petitions

8.1 10:15 a.m. Dave Forbes: Review of Mafeking Fire Department

9. Meeting Attendance and Reports

9.1 AMM Training: Leading Practices in Municipal Government: No Interest

9.2 MMAA District Meeting

Resolution No: 2019/308
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Paige Larocque and Kim Paterson of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be hereby authorized to attend the MMAA District meeting/seminar to be held September 20th, 2019 in Brandon, MB;
AND THAT expenses be allowed for same.
For: 4 Against:

10. General Business

10.1 Drainage Applications: None

10.2 LUD of Mafeking Election Results: Acclamation

10.3 Mafeking Fire Department – Equipment/Maintenance: Reviewed with District Fire Chief

10.4 2019 Farmland Beaver Control Program

Resolution No: 2019/309
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby enter into the Funding Agreement for Assurance Farmland Beaver Damage Control program as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto;
AND THAT CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the municipality.
For: 4 Against:

10.5 Request: Lease NW 11-32-21W: Advertise All Small Parcels

10.6 Request: SW 5-42-25W: No Private Drainage Undertaken; Will Review Municipal Works

10.7 Complaint: Road Maintenance: Reviewed

11. Communications

11.1 LUD of Mafeking Minutes: Reviewed

11.2 Remembering the Years Historical Museum & Display

Resolution No: 2019/310
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize a donation towards the Remembering the Years Historical Museum & Display in the amount of $100.00.
For: 4 Against:

12. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2019/311
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be adjourned to meet again on August 14th, 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm
For: 4 Against: