RM of Mountain Minutes – June 13, 2019

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain held Thursday, June 13th, 2019 in the R.M. of Mountain Council Chambers in Birch River, Manitoba.

Members Present:
Reeve: Robert Hanson

Councillors: Wilmer Malcolm, Stephen Nadolney, Nestor Rizok, Connie Forbes, Arnie Pedersen and Brad Wyatt.
CAO Paige Larocque was present and acted as secretary.
Finance Officer Kim Paterson was also present.

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 by Reeve Robert Hanson, quorum being present.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No: 2019/225
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the June 13th, 2019 regular Meeting of Council be adopted as presented.
For: 6 Against:

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

Resolution No: 2019/226
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 22nd, 2019 be adopted as presented, all requirements having been complied with.
For: 6 Against:

4. By-Laws & Policies

4.1 Strategic Plan: Discussion

4.2 Repeal Speed Limits By-Law

Resolution No: 2019/227
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 08/19, being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 05/19 [speed limits] of the Rural Municipality of Mountain, be given first reading.
For: 6 Against:

Councillor Malcolm joined the meeting.

4.3 Repeal Speed Limits By-Law

Resolution No: 2019/228
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 08/19, being a By-Law to repeal by-law No. 05/19 [speed limits] of the Rural Municipality of Mountain, be given second reading.
For: 7 Against:

4.4 Public Works Policy: Draft policy for next meeting

4.5 Safety Incident Policy

Resolution No: 2019/229
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby adopt the Incident Reporting policy as part of the RM of Mountain Workplace Safety and Health manual as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 7 Against:

4.6 Burning Bans: Sustainable Development to enact bans

4.7 Water Plants – Maintenance Policy: Draft policy

4.8 Property Maintenance within LUD’s: Split maintenance costs 50/50 RM/LUD

5. Financial

5.1 Financial Statements: Review

5.2 Independent Auditor’s Report: Gas Tax Funding

5.3 Audit – Birch River Landfill Liability: Need Contractor Estimates


Resolution No: 2019/230
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby do confirm that the municipality takes no responsibility or financial interest in the Swan Valley Enterprise Center Community Development Corporation.
For: 7 Against:

5.5 Reserve Transfer: Mountain North Quick Response Truck

Resolution No: 2019/231
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the transfer from the Fire Fighting Equipment Reserve Fund in the amount of $6,417.51 for the purchase of the Mountain North quick response truck.
For: 7 Against:

5.6 Investing In Canada Program Intake: Reviewed Priorities

5.7 Mafeking Utility Rate Study: Reviewed Rates

5.8 Birch River Utility Rate Study: Reviewed Rates

5.9 Accounts Receivable

Resolution No: 2019/233
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following unpaid accounts receivable accounts be added to the real property tax account of each account holder:
Roll # 300516.000 $5.18
Roll # 300809.000 $6.24
Roll # 300720.000 $6.24
For: 7 Against:

5.10 Fire Department Purchases

Resolution No: 2019/234
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
WHEREAS Fire Department Policy states that all purchases of the Fire Department must be authorized by Council in advance;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain approve the following purchases:
Urbanowski’s Garage: $261.00
Ronald Communications: $244.82
Work & Casual World: $214.69
SV Mutual Aide District: $400.00
Thermal Imaging Camera: $2500.00
For: 7 Against:

5.11 2019 Recreation Commission Payments

Resolution No: 2019/235
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby authorize the annual donations as follows:
Mafeking Recreation Commission $1500.00
Bellsite Recreation Commission $1500.00
Cowan Recreation Commission $1500.00
For: 7 Against:

5.12 SV Vet Services District

Resolution No: 2019/236
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the 2019 Budget and Levy for the Swan Valley Vet Services District, with the RM of Mountain portion being $6,266.57.
For: 7 Against:

5.13 Cowan Dry Hydrant: Obtain costs estimates

5.14 2019 Gravel Crushing Contractor

Resolution No: 2019/232
Moved By: Wilmer Malcolm
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain cancel cheque number 20190552;
AND THAT payment to Cook Bros. Cartage under the 2019 Gravel Crushing Contract be made in the amount of $52,151.02.
For: 6 Against: 1

5.15 Accounts Payable

Resolution No: 2019/237
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Cheque Nos.20190587 to 20190678 be approved for payment in the amount of $160,325.20, including Council Indemnities in the amount of $5,967.47 as per By-Law 03/16 and Direct Deposit Payroll in the amount of $4,633.04 as attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’;
AND FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED THAT the direct payment amount of 6,586.16 for Receiver General fo May 2019 be hereby approved.
For: 7 Against:

6. Personnel

6.1 Cowan Waste Disposal Attendant

Resolution No: 2019/238
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Wilmer Malcolm
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby hire Carol Dutchak as Cowan Waste Disposal Attendant;
AND THAT wages and terms of employment be as stated in Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 7 Against:

6.2 2019 Gravel Checkers: Councillors will check if cannot find employees

6.3 LUD of Mafeking Committee Member: By-Election Scheduled for August 21st

6.4 Pine River/Mafeking Green Team Students: No Students

Councillor Malcolm left the meeting.

6.5 Birch River Pool: Backup Attendant Position

Resolution No: 2019/239
Moved By: Connie Forbes
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby hire Sierra Makasoff as Backup Attendant for the Birch River Pool;
AND THAT wages and terms of employment be as stated in Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 6 Against:

7. Ward Reports & Work Orders

Resolution No: 2019/240
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Brad Wyatt
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve work orders #64/19 to #74/19 attached hereto.
For: 6 Against:

8. Delegations/Petitions

8.1 10:15 AM – Dane Guignion: Fence on Road Allowance

9. Meeting Attendance and Reports

9.1 September Meeting Change

Resolution No: 2019/241
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby change the September 11th, 2019 regular meeting of Council to September 10, 2019.
For: 6 Against:

10. General Business

10.1 Drainage Applications

Resolution No: 2019/242
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the Application(s) for Licence to Construct Water Control Works as attached hereto in Schedule ‘A’.
For: 6 Against:

10.2 Private Drainage Application: NE 22-39-26W

Resolution No: 2019/243
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the private Application for License to Construct Water Control Works on the NE 22-39-26W.
For: Against: 6

10.3 Surplus Asset Sale

10.3.1 In Camera

Resolution No: 2019/244
Moved By: Nestor Rizok
Seconded By: Stephen Nadolney
WHEREAS Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act and Section 8.8 of the By-Law No. 01/16 authorize Council to close a meeting to the public to discuss certain matters;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain meet as a committee to discuss tender openings.
For: 6 Against:

10.3.2 Out of Camera

Resolution No: 2019/245
Moved By: Brad Wyatt
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the meeting of the committee of the whole be adjourned, and that the regular meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be re-opened to the public.
For: 6 Against:

10.3.3 Surplus Asset Sale Decision

Resolution No: 2019/246
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby accept the tender for surplus assets as advertised by the RM of Mountain and award the bid as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
For: 6 Against:

10.4 RM Road Allowances: Develop policy

10.5 Federal Procurement Access Agreement

Resolution No: 2019/247
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby enter into the Federal Procurement Instrument Access Agreement as an optional user with the Government of Manitoba pursuant to the Master User Agreement and the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Guide;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the municipality.
For: 6 Against:

10.6 Mafeking Fire Hall: PMH LOU
Resolution No: 2019/248
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Arnie Pedersen
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby approve the Letter of Understanding (Revision 1) dated May 2, 2019 between the RM of Mountain and Prairie Mountain Health as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto, subject to the following conditions:
That PMH give the RM of Mountain 3 months notice upon termination of the current lease agreement;
AND THAT the CAO be authorized to sign on behalf of the municipality.
For: 6 Against:

10.7 Request – Private Insurance Policies Under RM of Mountain: No interest charged for installment payments

10.8 Assessment Information: Review recent development

11. Communications

11.1 Manitoba Infrastructure Service Delivery Review: RM has no equipment to contract

11.2 Manitoba Infrastructure Weed Control: Review

11.3 Town of Swan River – Watersheds Act: Reviewed

11.4 MGRA 2019 Nominations: No nominations for 2019

11.5 Cowan Wayside Park & Community Centre: Transfer documents sent to Land Titles Office

11.6 Cowan Trail Celebration

Resolution No: 2019/249
Moved By: Stephen Nadolney
Seconded By: Nestor Rizok
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain hereby declare the 21st Annual Cowan Trail Celebration being held August 24th, 2019 a community event and open to the public.
For: 6 Against:

11.7 May Animal Control Report: Reviewed

11.8 LUD of Pine River Minutes: Reviewed

11.9 LUD of Birch River Minutes: Reviewed

11.10 L.U.D. of Mafeking Minutes: Reviewed

12. Adjournment

Resolution No: 2019/250
Moved By: Arnie Pedersen
Seconded By: Connie Forbes
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Regular Meeting of Council of the Rural Municipality of Mountain be adjourned to meet again on June 26th, 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 2:53 p.m.
For: 6 Against: