The Council of the Town of Swan River met on Wednesday January 2nd, 2019 as per procedures by-law at 7:30 pm in the Town Council Chambers with Mayor Jacobson presiding and Councillors Wintoniw, Delaurier, Whyte, Friesen, Moriaux, and Gray present.
Councillor Gray had not yet joined by audio system.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Resolution No: 2018.564
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the Agenda for the January 2nd 2019 regular meeting of Council be received.
3. Confirmation of the minutes
Resolution No: 2018.565
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
Resolved the minutes for the December 18th 2018 meeting be approved and recieved.
Councillor Gray joined meeting by audio system – 7:38pm
4. Reception of Delegations and Hearings
Councillor Gray declared interest on the following public hearing and left the meeting- 7:42
4.1 Public Hearing Opening
Resolution No: 2018.566
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that public hearing #6.2018 now be called to order.
4.2 Public Hearing Closing
Resolution No: 2018.567
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
Resolved that Public Hearing # 6.2018 now be closed.
4.3 Public Hearing Variation Order 6/2018
Resolution No: 2018.571
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that Variation Order Application No. 6/2018 by Jordan Delaurier for Laurie Parker to allow a landing 2.25′ from the side property line instead of the 10′ minimum zoning requirement and to allow a sunroom 3.5′ from a seperate builidng instead of the 6′ minimum zoning requirement be approved.
5. Reception of Petitions
Councillor Gray returned to the meeting – 7:52pm
6. Communications
6.1 New Provincial Electoral Divisions Boundaries Released
7. Reports of Committees
7.1 Superintendent of Works Report
Resolution No: 2018.568
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
Resolved the Superintendent of Works report be recieved.
Carried Unanimously
7.2 Other Reports
7.2.1 Managers Meeting Minutes
Resolution No: 2018.569
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that the managers meeting minutes be received.
Carried Unanimously
7.3 Council and CAO Reports
8. New Business
8.1 Paperless meetings-Council Device
Resolution No: 2018.570
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: David Moriaux
WHEREAS the Town of Swan River conducts paperless council meetings using and each member of council is required to use an electronic device to access meeting information; therefore be it
RESOLVED that once per term of office, each member of council be reimbursed for the purchase of an electronic device up to a limit of $500.00 upon receipt of a paid invoice.
Carried Unanimously
8.2 Support RM of St. Phillips – Highway 49(Sask) upgrades between Hwy 9(Sask) & PTH 83(MB)
Resolution No: 2018.572
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
Resolved the Town of Swan River support the Rural Municipality of St. Phillips in thier efforts to request various upgrades to Highway 49 between Highway 9 and PTH 83.
Carried Unanimously
8.3 Membership- Hudson Bay Route Association
Resolution No: 2018.573
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
Resolved the Town of Swan River approve the Hudson Bay Route Association membership request for the 2019 year.
Carried Unanimously
8.4 To receive building permit applications
Resolution No: 2018.574
Moved By: David Moriaux
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that the following Building Permit Applications be received:
Number Owner Address Description of Work Value of Work
80/18 Swan Valley Co-op 121 6th Ave S Storage shed $ 7,297.00
81/18 Gratchen Grison 142 Crocus Dr Basement renovations 15,000.00
82/18 Space Holdings Ltd. 359/361 Kelsey Trail Office building addition 340,000.00
83/18 Space Holdings Ltd. 359 Kelsey Trail Remove interior offices 0.00
84/18 Wayne Kulhavy 318 6th Ave S 12×16 foot barn style shed 5,250.00
85/18 Friendship Centre Housing 415 6th Ave N New siding and insulation 7,000.00
86/18 Friendship Centre Housing 112 Valley Rd New siding and insulation 8,000.00
87/18 Swan Valley Mutual Aid 616 3rd Ave S Construction of training prop 5,000.00
88/18 Derek Boychuk 321 Main St Repair outer wall, install siding 41,739.00
89/18 William Sakal 1640 Main St 30×50 foot storage shed 10,500.00
90/18 Tyler Burnside 309 Swan River Dr Deck and three season room 50,000.00
91/18 Muriel and Laurie Parker 109 Crescent Dr 12×17 foot four season deck 33,200.00
92/18 Friendship Centre Housing 19 Parkway Dr New siding 18,000.00
93/18 Williams Auto Electric 12 Vivian St Pole shed cold storage 60,000.00
94/18 Sapotaweyak Cree Nation 703 Main St E Pylon sign 20,000.00
95/18 Sapotaweyak Cree Nation 703 Main St E 1034 sq ft gas kiosk, canopy 965,000.00
96/18 Sapotaweyak Cree Nation 703 Main St E 1096 sq ft “C” store 842,000.00
97/18 Dennis Bulycz 1505 Gov’t Rd #214N Ready to move home 100,000.00
98/18 Jason Eisner 1328 Main St Offices, partition, lobby area 25,000.00
99/18 Jason Eisner 1328 Main St Offices, partition, training room 25,000.00
100/18 Royal Canadian Legion 123 6th Ave N Kitchen renovations 30,000.00
101/18 Shane Stories / SRS Signs 900 Main St E Replace three sign faces 5,000.00
Carried Unanimously
9. Unfinished Business
9.1 RM of Livingstone Fire protection services- cease agreement
Resolution No: 2018.575
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
Resolved that the Town of Swan River provide the RM of Livingstone, Sask with the required 6-month notice to cancel said fire services agreement.
10. Accounts
10.1 To approve accounts
Resolution No: 2018.576
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
RESOLVED that the accounts as follows be hereby approved for payment:
1. General Account Cheques No. 23647 to No. 23733 for a total of $91,227.21.
(General Account Cheques No. 23647 to 23659 and No. 23672 to 23677 voided due to technical issues.)
2. Payroll Account Cheques No. 4363 to No. 4370 for a total of $104,820.19.
3. Payroll Account Cheques No. 4371 to No. 4375 for a total of $9,686.22.
Carried Unanimously
10.2 To adopt the November 2018 financial statements
Resolution No: 2018.577
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the Financial Statements for the Eleven Months Ended November 30th, 2018 be adopted as received.
Carried Unanimously
11. By-Laws
11.1 First reading to by-law to amend borrowing by-law 2/2018 for the installation of curb, gutter and asphalt
Resolution No: 2018.578
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Duane Whyte
RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River By-Law to amend its By-Law No. 2/2018, which provided for the expenditure and borrowing of money for the installation of curb, gutter and asphalt pavement at the 300 Block of 12th Ave S and the 1200 and 1300 Block of 3rd St S as a local improvement, be read a first time.
Carried Unanimously
11.2 Second reading to by-law to amend borrowing by-law 2/2018 for the installation of curb, gutter and asphalt
Resolution No: 2018.579
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that the Town of Swan River By-Law to amend its By-Law No. 2/2018, which provided for the expenditure and borrowing of money for the installation of curb, gutter and asphalt pavement at the 300 Block of 12th Ave S and the 1200 and 1300 Block of 3rd St S as a local improvement, be read a second time.
11.3 Third reading to by-law 9.2018 – Organizational By-Law
Resolution No: 2018.580
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
Resolved that by-law 9.2018 be read a third time and passed.
11.4 Third reading to by-law 10.2018 – Procedures By-Law
Resolution No: 2018.581
Moved By: Phylis Friesen
Seconded By: Johnny Wintoniw
Resolved that by-law 10.2018 be read a third time and passed.
11.5 Second reading to by-law 11.2018 – indemnity by-law
Resolution No: 2018.582
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that By-law No. 11-2018 (Council Indemnity) be read a second time.
12. Notice of Motion
12.1 Citizen of the Year Award
Resolution No: 2018.583
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
Whereas the age friendly committee is recommending an award that would recognize an individual who has made siginificant contributions to our community, and
Whereas the age friendly committee shall coordinate and recieve nominations for selection, therfore be it
RESOLVED the Town of Swan River initiate a “citizen of the year” award.
Carried Unanimously
13. In Camera
Resolution No: 2018.584
Moved By: Johnny Wintoniw
Seconded By: Phylis Friesen
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 152(3) of the Municipal Act, Council go into Committee and close the meeting to the public to discuss:
-Labour update (clerk)
-Personnel Issues
Carried Unanimously
14. Out of Camera
Resolution No: 2018.585
Moved By: Jason Delaurier
Seconded By: David Moriaux
RESOLVED that pursuant to Sections 152(4) of the Municipal Act this meeting be reopened to the public.
15. Adjournment
Resolution No: 2018.586
Moved By: Duane Whyte
Seconded By: Jason Delaurier
RESOLVED that this regular Meeting of Council now adjourn.
Carried Unanimously