Swan Valley School Division Minutes – August 27, 2018

Swan Valley
School Division

Executive Summary of the
August 27, 2018
Regular Board Meeting

Submitted by:
Tim Mendel

1. The Board was excited to hear that Cam Mateika had been named Chair of the UCN Board. The Board wants to extend its congratulations to Cam on his appointment.

2. The Board was updated on the Minitonas Schools consolidation. At this point, all classrooms are ready for teacher setup, classroom furniture/supplies have been moved from the elementary school, new flooring has been installed in the hall and half of the classrooms, the junior lockers should be here this week, new playground equipment has been installed and the K washroom is almost completed.

A big thanks to the staff for being so accommodating and positive during this upheaval and to the Maintenance Department for getting the work completed.

3. The CEO provided an update on the Bowsman Daycare. The Bowsman Daycare Board is waiting for an updated and more detailed drawing from the Architect. The Architect is going to provide an updated budget now that permission has been given by the PSFB to use existing flooring and ceiling. Trustees wish to meet with the Bowsman Daycare Board to get an update on fundraising initiatives for the project.

4. The Transportation Department provided route/bus driver information to the Board. We have 28 routes this year, one less than last year. Thanks to our Transportation Department for continuing its work at looking for efficiencies.

5. A reminder to all that Nomination Papers for School Trustee close on September 18, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Pick up info package at Division Office.


Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the Division Office Board Room on August 27, 2018 commencing at 7:30 p.m. (unapproved)
The following were present:

Chair: K. Riehl
Vice-Chair: L. Evans
Trustees: D. Burghart
S. Haluschak
K. Highmoor
V. Rooks
W. Schaffer
B. Stephen

Superintendent: T. Mendel
Secretary-Treasurer: B. Rausch

Absent: G. Wowchuk

Addition to Agenda:
By Consensus: Item 14.1 Request for School of Choice.

R1 D. Burghart, W. Schaffer:
THAT the Minutes of the regular meeting of June 25, 2018, be adopted.

R2 V. Rooks, D. Burghart:
THAT the Staffing Report of the Superintendent/CEO, 8.2, as presented, be ratified.

R3 B. Stephen, W. Schaffer:
THAT as per the Report of the Secretary-Treasurer, 9.2, general cheques numbering 53456 to 53652; B 533 to B 567; transfers (bank fees) and EFT’s, which includes general and payroll in the amount of $2,592,511.72, for the month of June, be approved for payment.

R4 K. Highmoor, S. Haluschak:
THAT the Student Services Report on the Educational Assistant Cost Share through Manitoba Works Wage Subsidy Program, 10.1, be received and the addition to the 2018/19 Budget, be approved.

R5 W. Schaffer, S. Haluschak:
THAT the Swan Valley School Division support the G5 Electoral Boundary Submission.

R6 B. Stephen, D. Burghart:
THAT the School of Choice request, 14.1, be received and the request be declined.

R7 K. Highmoor, S. Haluschak:
THAT the Board move to In-Camera.

(19.8 Trustees Riehl and Rooks excused themselves for a portion of the discussion.)

R8 S. Haluschak, K. Highmoor:
THAT the Board move out of In-Camera.

R9 D. Burghart, V. Rooks:
THAT we do now adjourn at 9:42 p.m.