Classroom Lessons Pass the Hands On Test

ValleyBiz Story |

School may be almost done but, for Mrs. Mullin’s Grade 4 Minitonas Early Years class, that doesn’t mean the learning stops nor does it mean that summer fun has to wait.

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On Tuesday June 21, 2016 the class enjoyed a field trip to the Duck Mountain Interpretive Centre.

The group gathered for a short orientation, then proceeded down the Beaver Island Trail, which Mrs. Mullin describes as “1.5 km of meandering loveliness.”

The first stop along the way was the Dipping Dock.

The kids took turns scooping “stuff” out of the pond and dumping it into a bucket for observation.

As Mrs. Mulling dug in to sort out the critters from vegetation, one student exclaimed “EWWW, that’s gross!” “It’s not gross, it’s nature!” replied Mrs. Mullin.

It didn’t take long before many students had a truly hands on experience with goopy nature at it’s finest.

The kids had a blast identifying many of the pond dwellers they had learned about in the classroom. The specimens were returned to their habitat before the class continued down the trail through the Boral forest, observing a variety of plant life along the way.