Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – August 10, 2015

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development August 10, 2015 |

Northwest Region

A major weather system moving through most of the Northwest Region over the past week resulted in amounts of at least 10 mm to over 50 mm of rain in localized areas. Soil moisture conditions are adequate in most parts of the region and excessive in some localized spots. Crops in the region are reported to be in good to poor condition. Some crops lodged as a result of the heavy rains and winds experienced over the week, especially canola. Harvest operations were at a standstill for most of the week.

Approximately 10% of the winter wheat crop is in the dough stage of growth and 90% is mature. About 5% of the spring wheat crop is at the milk stage, 90% in the dough stage and 5% is mature. Preharvest treatments have begun as conditions allow.

The canola crop continues to improve and develop rapidly. Approximately 15% of the canola crop is at some stage of bloom while about 85% is podded.

Approximately 90% of the corn crop is in the V6 to V13 stage of growth and 10% is tasseling. For soybeans, 10% of the crop is flowering while about 90% is podded. About 25% of the flax crop is flowering with the remaining 75% at the boll stage of growth.

Crop insect pest activity throughout the region continues to be low.

Haying operations were delayed over the past week due to spotty showers. Harvest of cereals for greenfeed and silage has begun and will continue with the better weather forecast for this week. Pastures are in good condition with adequate moisture. Water supplies on pasture are good.