Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – August 11, 2014

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development August 11, 2014 |

Northwest Region

Crop development was favorable in the Northwest Region as good growing conditions prevailed.

Rainfall amounts varied significantly ranging from negligible in some parts to over 50 mm in others. Excessive moisture continues to be evident in low lying areas, particularly in the more northern parts of the region. Most moisture resulted from short but intense thunderstorms which caused some wheat crops to lodge. Some small hail was reported in the Roblin area.

Regionally, approximately 10% of the cereal crop is at the heading/flowering stage, 65% in the milk stage of growth and about 25% in the dough stage. Fifty percent of the canola crop is at some stage of flowering with the remaining 50% of the crop podded. For soybeans, 20% of the crop is flowering and about 80% is podded. Approximately 10% of the field peas are blooming with 90% podded. As previously reported, crop development is at least two weeks behind normal.

Fungicide applications are nearing completion. Wild oats are visible in many wheat crops. Barnyard grass has infested drowned out areas in some fields and foxtail barley is thriving in many fields where there is limited crop competition. There are reports of blackleg and root rot in some canola fields in the region. There are no reports of significant insect activity.

First cut tame hay harvest is complete with second cut beginning in many areas. Yields appear to be average to above average with good quality due to the recent warmer weather. Native hay harvest is ongoing but will be delayed around the lakes due to high water levels. Pastures are rated in good condition but slowing in growth as the season progresses; moisture would be welcomed. Cereal silage harvest has begun. Perennial ryegrass stands are harvested with average to above average yields.