Town of Minitonas Minutes – July 16, 2014

Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Town of Minitonas, held in the Council Chambers, Minitonas, Manitoba this 16th day of July A.D. at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Barkowski
Councillors: Bartel & Caruk
CAO: Carolyn Gordon

Present by Electronic Communications: Councillor S. Windsor joined the meeting by
phone at 8:50 pm

Delegations: G. Thiessen re: Town Public Works

1. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented.

2. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meetings of the Council of the Town of Minitonas held on June 4th, 2014 & June 18th, 2014, and the Special Meeting held on June 25th, 2014 shall be adopted as circulated.

3. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Statement for the period ending June 30th, 2014 shall be approved as presented.

4. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Animal Control Officer’s Report for the month of June, 2014 shall be accepted as presented, a copy of which is attached hereto, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT payment for contract services for Animal Control shall be made as per the aforementioned report.

5. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT approval of payment be made for the List of Accounts numbered 6008 to 6066 inclusive, amounting to $55,158.93.

6. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas do hereby authorize the transfers of $1,229.17 from the municipality’s Equipment Reserve Account to the General Operating Account for the purchase of new tires of the Public Works truck as approved in the 2014 Budget.

7. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
WHEREAS an application for a ‘Variation Order’ has been received with respect to the separation distance from a deck to the front site line of a property as set out in Table 6.2 of the Town of Minitonas Zoning By-Law No. 3/2004, and;
WHEREAS an application for a variation to said separation distance is allowed under Section 10.8 of By-Law No. 3/2004 for consideration by the Town of Minitonas Council, once a proper notification has been issued and a Public Hearing is held in accordance with Section 94 of The Planning Act;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas does hereby agree to hold a Public Hearing on August 6th, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of the Minitonas Municipal Office for the purpose of answering questions or hearing representation from any landowner wishing to do so with regards to said variation request, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all notifications shall be made in accordance with Section 169 (1) of The Planning Act.

8. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas does hereby approve the attached Town Hall – Public Works Checklist and shall add it to the Town Policy Manual, Section ‘P’ – Town Property under Section 1 – Town Hall as Subsection 3.1 – PW Checklists.

9. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT the Building Permits completed and approved by the Building Inspector for January – June 2014 shall be accepted by the Council of the Town of Minitonas as attached hereto.

10. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Public Works Report for the month of June, 2014 shall be accepted as submitted by the Town Foreman, a copy of which is attached hereto.

11. D. Bartel – J. Caruk
WHEREAS the Public Works Employee Overtime Reports have been received & reviewed by Council;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all applicable overtime hours recorded for the month of June, 2014 shall be approved and either paid out with the July 15th, 2014 payroll or booked for future use as indicated on the aforementioned reports, copies of which have been attached hereto.

12. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
RESOLVED THAT the Minitonas Town Council does hereby approve the attached requests for vacation leave.

13. J. Caruk – D. Bartel
WHEREAS a frozen Sewer Line has resulted in extensive costs for the municipality and the affected homeowner;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Minitonas does hereby agree to handle said costs in accordance with the Town of Minitonas – Water Sewer Policy and shall bill a share of said costs with the homeowner as attached hereto.

14. S. Windsor (on phone) – J. Caruk
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 10:00 pm to meet again for the next regular meeting of Council to be held on the 6th day of August, 2014 A.D. at 7:00 pm.