RM of Minitonas Minutes – October 9, 2013

Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 9th day of October, 2013 A.D. at 8:00 am.

Present: Reeve McIntosh
Councillors: Pacamaniuk, Klekta, Eisner & Rinsdorf
CAO: Carolyn Gordon


George Church – Minitonas Lions Club re: Veteran Recognition
Daryl Chartrand – RM Public Works re: Municipal Public Works
Kevin Amy – Stantec – By Phone re: Flood Site Engineering

Additions to the Agenda:

3.5 Valley Lions Recycling Levy
5.3 Lenswood Hall – Change in Date of Harvest Dance

Additional Correspondence:

7.5 RM of Piney – 2 Items of Correspondence
7.6 MB Local Government – Public-Private Partnership Transparency
7.7 FCM – New Building Canada Fund

1. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.

2. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 11th, 2013 and the Special Meeting of Council held on September 5th, 2013 shall be adopted as circulated.

3. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation for the month ending August 31st, 2013 and the Financial Statement for the month ending September 30th, 2013 shall be adopted as presented.

4. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize payment of the List of Accounts numbered 8198 to 8259 inclusive, amounting to $287,591.21.

5. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Reserve Fund Transfer per the 2013 Municipal Budget shall be authorized by the Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas as per Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.

6. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the Town of Minitonas and the RM of Minitonas share the local fire department, emergency operations and administrative staff, and;
WHEREAS the purchase of satellite radios would provide ability to communicate during power outages or cell phone service failure during an emergency;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RM of Minitonas Council does hereby approve the joint purchase and annual service costs of a satellite phone on a 50/50 basis, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the CAO is hereby authorized to sign the agreement for said purchase on behalf of the municipality.

7. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the members of the council and administrative staff are hereby authorized to attend the AMM Meeting in Portage la Prairie on October 10th, 2013 as per the attached list, and all costs associated with this attendance shall be paid in accordance with current municipal policies and indemnity by-laws.

8. D. Klekta- W. Pacamaniuk
WHEREAS the Rural Municipality of Minitonas has recently received notice that the application for funding under the Municipal Road Improvement Program has been approved, and;
WHEREAS the notice has come late in the construction season, the flood repairs that have not been completed and the regular municipal maintenance that is behind as a result of flood damage repairs;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the council does hereby agree to request an extension to March 1st, 2015 for completion of the project and submission of the Final Claim.

9. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the Rural Municipality of Minitonas Council feels that local recycling is a critical component of household waste management, and wish to increase financial support to the valley Lions Recycling Program, and;
WHEREAS the municipality operates their recycling program jointly with the Town of Minitonas;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the council does hereby agree to recommend an increase from $238/MT to $550/MT for the months of October, November and December, 2013, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Valley Lions Recycling Inc. be asked to prepare a detailed Revenue & Expense Report, along with a comprehensive report on the full costs of operation, all internal and external funding sources and support for a long term increase, including the annual levy required to ensure the program operates without the need for financial support from the Swan Valley Lions Clubs.

10. D. Klekta – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Reeve & Council shall sit as a Board of Revision for the 2014 Assessment Toll for the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, with the date for the hearing to be set for November 13th, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers at the Minitonas Municipal Office;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all members of council shall be appointed as members of the Board of Revision, that Reeve Michael McIntosh shall be appointed as the Chairperson, and that CAO Carolyn Gordon shall be appointed as the Recording Secretary to hear appeals to the real property, personal property and business property assessment roll for 2014.

11. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the attached ad be placed in the Star & Times to provide Public Notice for the Board of Revision with regards to the 2014 Assessment Roll for the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, set for November 13th, 2013at 10:00 am;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the deadline for submission of appeals to the Secretary of the Board shall be set at October 28th, 2013.

12. C. Eisner – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby approve the request for vacation leave as attached hereto.

13. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the RM of Minitonas Council does hereby approve the renewal of their Group Policy with Manitoba Blue Cross for one year, effective November 1st, 2013.

14. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the attached invitation for Proposals for Audit Services shall be issued by the Council of the RM of Minitonas, and that an ad be placed in the Star & Times accordingly;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the deadline of November 15th, 2013 shall be set for submission of said proposals to the municipality.

15. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS there is a conflict with bookings at the Lenswood Community Hall, thereby changing the date for the Harvest Wind-Up Dance;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby designate the new date of November 16th, 2013 as the Lenswood Community Event known as ‘Lenswood Harvest Wind-Up Dance.’

16. D. Klekta – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the Council of the RM of Minitonas has reviewed the Municipal Rights-of-Way Application submitted by MTS regarding file no. 9107492 and has no objections to said application;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize the CAO to sign in approval of said application with a request for MTS to provide 48 hours notice to the municipality prior to commencement of any works on municipal rights-of-way.

17. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Minitonas does hereby approve the attendance of all members of council and CAO, Carolyn Gordon to attend the Annual AMM Convention in Brandon, MB on November 25-28, 2013, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all applicable expenses shall be paid in accordance with the current RM of Minitonas Indemnity By-Law and the Rm of Minitonas Policy Manual.

18. C. Eisner – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT the Rural Municipality of Minitonas does hereby agree to hold a Public Meeting on November 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm at which time a presentation will be made regarding Provincially Forced Municipal Amalgamations and the affects that Bill 33 has on the RM of Minitonas, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Part ‘B’ – “Council of the New Amalgamated Municipality’ shall be revised to reflect the desire of all three partners, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the attached Draft Amalgamation Plan shall be distributed to the ratepayers and general public along with the notice of Public Meeting.

19. E. Rinsdorf – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:15 pm to meet again for the next Regular Meeting of Council on November 13th, 2013 at 8:00 am.