Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – July 8, 2013

Northwest Region Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre July 8, 2013 |

Northwest Region
Early in the week, warm temperatures, high humidity and minimal winds prevailed throughout most of the Northwest Region. However, periods of unstable weather affected the region on Wednesday and Saturday. Scattered thunderstorms across a section through Gilbert Plains to Winnipegosis resulted in heavy precipitation where 100 to 150 mm of rainfall was reported, along with some crop lodging and hail. Some road infrastructure damage is still limiting field, pasture and livestock accessibility in certain areas. In the other areas of the region, total week precipitation amounts ranged from 10 mm around Ste. Rose to 50 mm.

Crop development, stand consistency and crop conditions range from excellent to poor. Crop staging is variable depending on area of the region; crop development is generally less advanced through Winnipegosis, McCreary and The Pas. Overall, cereals are rated as 75% of the acres as good to fair and canola at 65% good to fair. Approximately 70% of the cereal crop acres are at tillering stages and 15% heading; canola at 70% rosette and 30% flowering. Corn crops are improving with the hot, humid conditions, ranging in development from the V3 to V4 stage. Localized water ponding in crops, forages and pastures is still evident in all areas, particularly in the low-lying areas. Crop death and yellowing from excessive moisture received the last two weeks has affected the later seeded, less advanced crops in particular. At this point, excess moisture is estimated to have impacted 10% of crop acres through the Northwest Region. To the east of the escarpment and at The Pas, more acres are affected, with some individual fields seeing 50 to 70% of the field impacted.

Initial herbicide and some secondary applications were completed as weather conditions allowed. Fungicide applications on cereals, canola and soybeans continued with many producers relying on aerial application. Where field conditions allowed, ground application was also used with some field rutting occurring.

Canola insect trap counts indicate Bertha armyworm moths are increasing slightly but numbers remain very low. Some localized high grasshopper populations on red clover have required insecticide applications.

Hay harvest progress remains very limited to date with only some acres cut before the rain. Very little has been baled and cut swaths remain in wet field conditions. Some forage stands have lodged and stands are maturing with quality degrading. Yields are expected to be average or below average. Flooded and wet pastures, and native hay lands in the Westlake sector, are improving somewhat; however, the low-lying areas and those acres near lake are currently under surplus moisture conditions. Dugout water levels are full in all areas.