Singing, Santa and Sights of Christmas

Pictures by &
Swan Valley Chamber of Commerce

Christmas Carols filled the air as people braved the cold to get an early dose of the Christmas spirit at the Tree Lighting Festivities on Friday, November 23, 2012 sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

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As the Taylor School Choir sang, the crowd gathered in anticipation.

During the event, attendees warmed themselves with hot chocolate and
hot dogs. Money raised will be used to spread some Christmas Cheer to those in need.

Santa was there to hear the requests of the kids of all ages.

Before his official duty of lighting the tree, Mayor Glen McKenzie took a moment to visit Santa and turn in his list.

Santa took a minute to warm up and then started right in with more requests.

After so many visits, Santa and his elf took a much needed break.

After may days of preparations, at 6:15 pm, the tree was light.

The tree will remain on every evening throughout the Christmas season.